Official Alexa Smart Home Skill for openHAB 2

I’m not sure I fully understand the problem from what you have written but if you want a switch to appear in the Alexa app have you tried the [“switchable”] tag?

all devices are identified as TYP- switch - as you can see in my screenshots.
I want to have them of the typ light to use the new “light on” and “light off” command for a group

my Items look like this example, both are shown as switch
Switch Alexa_EG_Kueche_Decke_D “Kueche Decke” [ “Lighting” ] {knx=“x/x/x”}
Dimmer Alexa_EG_wohnzimmer_Decke “Wohnzimmer Decke” [ “Lighting” ] {knx=“x/x/x”}

I have a group “Light” (configured via Alexa app) which contains four lights, three of them are connected through the HUE skill (so they are shown as typ “light”), one of them is connected via openHAB Alexa skill (so that one is shown as typ “switch”): all of them are switching properly when called via “Alexa, turn on/off light”.

My openHAB switch is configured via ["Switchable"]

Hi sihui,

yes thats working, but i want to use the “new” feature.- than you can use the same command in each room you habe a echo

make a Group eg “Wohnzimmer” - put all lights of the room into it + the echo in the room

than you can say “lights on” and Alexa turns all devices with the type “light” in her Group on


Ahh, okay, did not catch that, only have one Alexa :rofl:

It looks like the code was changed late May to support the appliancetype so [“Lighting”] should register as a “Light”, before that it would register a light as “Switch” like [“Switchable”] which is what you’re seeing and mine does the same (core OH 2.1 release).

But I guess maybe the openHAB Cloud Connector service is using an earlier version as I think the code has to live in the cloud layer to provide the glue, so one for the maintainers to answer.

One small question:

I recently bought a amazon fireTV Stick 2nd gen for about 25 € on Black Friday. It has a Alexa button on the remote and i can control the fireTV-Stick with voice commands.

Can i use this to control openhab too? Or is this only working with real amazon alexa-devices, like amazon echo and dot?

The new fire-Tablets from last month have alexa, too. Is this also working with them?

You can control openhab in the same way as with Echo devices from your FireTV Stick remote. I use the remote in parallel to my Echos.

When is the skill going to available in Canada

I have just verified that Alexa openHAB skill works in Japanese.
I put the item label in Japanese (utf8). Thats all.
Actually, the skill is not listed in the skill list on Japanese alexa portal. I cloned the skill, and run it on my AWS with a dev account.
Please add Japanese language (region) into the official skill’s supported language (region) list. No need to tuch the code.
A big thank you for all openHAB contributors!

Please file an issue for that in the corresponding GitHub repo.
Maintainers will take care about it.

I am using Vera Plus to control Zigbee light switches, and OpenHAB 2 to automate these light switches. This allows me to keep local control of my home automation and not depend on the cloud for basic control. The wish for home automation control that is cloud independent is why I don’t want Alexa Echo Plus to be my Zigbee controller for devices.

For the additional luxury of voice command, I am willing to cede control to the Amazon Cloud. Thank you for this Alexa OpenHAB 2 skill, and of course, OpenHAB! Everything is working very well.

I’ve added my Vera Plus devices to OpenHAB 2 as items, then add these items using: [ “Lighting” ] flag to Alexa Smart Home.

Alexa has a new ESP feature, where you can group an Alexa Echo in the same room as your devices under Alexa Smart Home, and say “Alexa, turn off lights” to turn off all the lights in only that room. As expected, smart appliance switches, even when connected to lights, are not affected by this command.

Smart light switches connected to Alexa Echo Plus (Zigbee hub) will be seen a lights, and can be controlled as above. However, the same light switches controlled by Vera Plus hub, exported to OpenHAB 2 and added to Alexa Smart Home are not seen as lights, and thus not listen to “Alexa turn off lights” commands.

Is this an extra attribute that must be set by the Alexa OpenHAB 2 skill on the devices it exposes to Alexa so that she sees them as lights?

Think the reason is 6 posts or so up:

But still need someone a little closer to the deployment to confirm and comment.

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Thanks. Hopefully this is the case, and that it’s a simple update for OpenHAB Alexa skill to use the new API for lights to work as “real” lights, and perhaps even differentiation between lights and appliances. As of right now, Alexa does partially think the OpenHAB controlled lights are lights, because “Alexa, turn off kitchen lights” will work (regardless of whether item is light or appliance switch, which is bothersome), but ESP “Alexa, turn off lights” in the same room as an Alexa doesn’t.

Is it possible to use lock and unlock?
I have my door lock as a switch in OpenHAB.


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I finally got around to setting this up and i’m a little confused. I have all my items tagged properly ( with [“Lighting”] in my .item file ) and Alexa can discover them all just fine and quickly but if I try to use Alexa to control any of them I get “device is unresponsive” or “server is unresponsive”. I’m not sure where to begin, it seems like the communication all the way through is fine and myopenhab shows online, nor do I see any disconnects in my openhab.log file.

Are there just general issues at the moment if so, is there somewhere that can be checked like or something on the website i’m missing? I’m running the just released 2.2 version on Openhabian for what it’s worth.

Regarding Groups In Alexa App
It seems like Smart Home Groups are enabled in the Alexa App. You can create a group and name it(e.g. “Kitchen”) and then selected the echo that’s in that area and the devices in that area. Then, In theory, I should be able to say “Turn off the lights” when I’m in the kitchen.

It doesn’t work. Alexa responds: “Sorry, I didn’t find lights”

Has anyone gotten this to work yet? Is the verbal command correct?

Related to the Smart Skill itself, Alexa fails to find one of my Z-wave devices. I can see it just fine and control it from the panel UI… but Alexa can’t see it. How do I debug that?

Is a Alexa skill update planed or already submitted to fix this committed issue

Sadly, it’s not possible to see the version or date of a skill.
This fix will recognize the lights as light and not as switch.

Ok. But it seems that oh2.js is not uploaded to Amazon.

See here last post

I tried out. All OH2 lights with tag [ “Lighting” ] are recognized as type “switch”.

@digitaldan When will this be running?

@maintainers Do you know the substitute of digitaldan? It seems he is very busy at the moment.