Noob here!! Sorry!
I set everything up using PaperUI and gave a light item the name ‘Office light’ in PaperUI. In the control panel I only have ‘Office light’ and ‘Echo’.
Openhab things looks like this:
The problem is Alexa sees my Office light as a device called ‘switch’ and responds if I voice command turn on/off a device called ‘switch’ and doesnt work if I use device name ‘Office light’!
The name Alexa is using appears to be the channel name from the binding. I am using BTicino OpenWenNet binding for OpenHab2.
Alexa’s list is of devices:
How do I change the name so Alexa sees my Office light as ‘Office light’ ?
Thx Mark.
Update…Fixed it myself after an evening of reading useless information and then an inspired guess… The trick was to select expose item in OpenHab cloud service and select item. Remove devices from Alexa and rediscover.