Official Alexa Smart Home Skill for openHAB 2

I don’t see any error, but I also don’t see a device discovery request at that exact time either. I just turned up the logging, can you try again and tell me the time?

Just did discovery which finished right at 1:48pm

fyi the rest API does return quickly!

Nope, hue-emulation add-on is not installed. Perhaps I did have it installed asset if time although I don’t remember. Is hue-emulation required for Alex to discover openhab items? I am using the openhab2 alexa skill so I assume I dont need hue-emulation binding? I’m starting to feel like this is the glaring detail I missed :thinking:


@dgrubbs_99 it looks like some of your tagged items have no label. This is not throwing an error per se, but I’m wondering if the response we send back to Alexa is not valid and is being rejected? Can you either add a label, or remove the tag for those? You have I think almost 40 items tagged with “Lighting” to check :slight_smile:

It appears I have 56 items taged w/ “Lighting” but I can only account for 17 which are in my *.items files. I used the rest service to get a list of all my items and see some strange things which may be attributing to the issue you are suspecting. I used PaperUI to discover my zwave devices and it appears there are 12 items for these lights which are not in my *.items files, although this is probably not an issue b/c 1) they have all labels and 2) they dont have “Lighting” tags. The Hue light items created by the PaperUI (which are also not in my *.items) all have “Lighting” tags. I used the REST api to look at a single hue thging and see a “defaultTags” channel property with a value of “Lighting”? I have included JSON from the REST API for a single hue item and thing. This seems suspicious to me?
“link”: “”,
“state”: “203,94,0”,
“type”: “Color”,
“name”: “hue_0210_00178848a79c_1_color”,
“tags”: [
“groupNames”: []
“statusInfo”: {
“status”: “ONLINE”,
“statusDetail”: “NONE”
“label”: “Bar Light 1”,
“bridgeUID”: “hue:bridge:00178848a79c”,
“configuration”: {
“lightId”: “1”
“properties”: {
“modelId”: “LCT014”,
“firmwareVersion”: “1.15.2_r19181”
“UID”: “hue:0210:00178848a79c:1”,
“thingTypeUID”: “hue:0210”,
“channels”: [
“linkedItems”: [
“uid”: “hue:0210:00178848a79c:1:color”,
“id”: “color”,
“channelTypeUID”: “hue:color”,
“itemType”: “Color”,
“kind”: “STATE”,
“defaultTags”: [
“properties”: {},
“configuration”: {}
“linkedItems”: [
“uid”: “hue:0210:00178848a79c:1:color_temperature”,
“id”: “color_temperature”,
“channelTypeUID”: “hue:color_temperature”,
“itemType”: “Dimmer”,
“kind”: “STATE”,
“defaultTags”: [],
“properties”: {},
“configuration”: {}
“linkedItems”: [],
“uid”: “hue:0210:00178848a79c:1:alert”,
“id”: “alert”,
“channelTypeUID”: “hue:alert”,
“itemType”: “String”,
“kind”: “STATE”,
“defaultTags”: [],
“properties”: {},
“configuration”: {}
“linkedItems”: [],
“uid”: “hue:0210:00178848a79c:1:effect”,
“id”: “effect”,
“channelTypeUID”: “hue:effect”,
“itemType”: “Switch”,
“kind”: “STATE”,
“defaultTags”: [],
“properties”: {},
“configuration”: {}
“location”: “Hue Lights”

hmm, it seems like the Hue thing definition adds this, see smarthome/extensions/binding/org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.hue/ESH-INF/thing/channels.xml at master · eclipse-archived/smarthome · GitHub

That complicates matters I’m afraid, I think we need to come up with specific tags for each voice service as overloading the use for generic tags like this will become a problem.

FYI, I tried the hue-emulation add to see what results generated from that and it works just fine, so at least I’m up and running.
a couple of points (maybe valid or not):

  1. i had the alexa skill working w/ my (explicitly tagged") lights a week ago, assuming my hue light items were the same (almost certinly the case) it would seem strange that this just happened?
    If you would like me to do some debugging/testing of this theroy I could remove my openhab hue binding and hue-emulation and attempt to let alexa discover the “un-discoverable” lights again?
    I would just need to know once i re-enable the hue binding the channel id’s would stay the same (I assume they would since this comes from the hue bridge itself).

Thanks Again for your help and quick follow ups!

I’m having trouble getting Alexa to recognise my items. I’ve registered Alexa with myopenhab. I’ve also rulled out the potential network issue with my controller plugged directly into my wifi router. I’ve added a rule to update the Dummy items and can see them the values set in the logs. Here’s an extract from my .items file with the tagged items.

Group gTempSensor [ "Thermostat" ]    
Number    sensor_temperature2 "Garage Temp: [%.1f °C]"   <temperature>   (gChart,gRestore,gSensors,gTempSensor)   [ "CurrentTemperature" ]
Number    Dummy_Target         "Not used"     (gTempSensor)   [ "TargetTemperature" ]
String    Dummy_CoolingMode   "Not used"     (gTempSensor)                                           [ "homekit:HeatingCoolingMode" ]
Switch    zwave_device_8527f2c0_node2_switch_binary       "Study Light"   <light>  (gLights)   [ "Switchable" ]

I can see my tagged items in the REST API

    "link": "",
    "state": "ON",
    "type": "Switch",
    "name": "zwave_device_8527f2c0_node2_switch_binary",
    "label": "Study Light",
    "category": "light",
    "tags": [
    "groupNames": [

Anything obvious i’m doing wrong?

@stulandr can you hit this rest endpoint through So

hi @digitaldan - yes I can. Returns the same reply as per above.

I’m in same situation - all working well but I noticed I had hue emulation on and had lots of double ups in Alexa app so to tidy this I thought I would uninstall hue emulation, forget all devices on Alexa app and then rediscover. It didn’t find and OH devices. Reinstalling hue emulation Alexa discovers all the hue items but still no OH skills based ones. Seems same as above issues

I just turned up the logging, can you try again and give me the “exact” time you made the request? Also what region (US/EU) are you in?

Tried the request again just now - 6:23AM Australian Western Standard Time.

I am also struggeling to find new devices. I can address the existing ones, but when i create new ones in my *.items file, they were not found anymore. Same issue when rejecting previously found items.

The items were found, when accessing

Maybe the functionality of your Excel Sheet could be combined with my idea of a “cheat sheet generator”. :slight_smile:

I had to reinstall openhab again. Now everything works fine.

Hi! I have no problems - started using this skill yesterday, ran the discovery, and all my items appeared in “Devices” in 20 seconds. After that changed some items and re-run discovery several times (because Alexa was not getting me right, and I had to play with item labels), each time updated items appeared in “Devices” right away.

Firstly - Congratulations on giving us this great app and I appreciate the hard work gone into writing and getting the approval from Amazon.

I have got a few things communicating with Alexa, and like rocher, had to mess around with some labels.
A few questions / comments.

  1. Alexa does not like a couple of words. I tried “Monitor TWO” and “Socket FOUR” but she is getting confused with TO and FOR. She seems to translate “Switch on socket four” to “Switch on socket for … [what]” then gives up.
    Anyone else had this and what suggestions for a workaround?

  2. Does CurrentHumidity work? I see it is in the Homekit list, but does not work for me.

  3. Squeezebox. Got Alexa to turn off the squeezebox (Power),when set in the items as Switch or alter the Volume when set in the items as Dimmer. Used [“Lighting”] for Alexa.
    Any suggestions how I can use the same label e.g. “Kitchen Radio” to Power OFF and Volume % value?