Official Google Assistant Integration for openHAB

I know… I was rather frustrated, cause the only announced change was the one Dan announced. And at the very same time, I ran into this very complex issue…

Ohh… I know… I have probably been through all of them :grinning:

I did check, and doubble checked, well even tripple checked my tagging and items… Thats what worried me. There was no mistake… I have done these items and tagging so many times now, that I would state, I can do it with a blindfold :slight_smile: Ofcouse I can make mistakes like everybody else. And I did made one typo mistake. But since I always test every time I have done a change to a single item involving GA tagging, I´m beeing “punished” a few seconds after I made the mistake, (my typo mistake removed all my tagged items from the Google Home app as soon as I syncronised my devices, which I also do after changing an item)… So I always will know for sure, if the problem is at my end.

The problem with this GA connection is, that we´re not in control all the way. I cant see anywhere, if Google is messing around with something and creating an issue. I´m just a user beeing affected by their doings, without knowing.

The issue yesterday was very complex, cause it happened only after making a change to an item file having items with GA taggs. And because of that, and because we´re not in control all the way, I believe it was fair to conclude, that the problem would be at openhab level, or somewhere between openhab and Google. (I jumped to the wrong conclusion of the update Dan announced, because I cant see whats going on elsewhere).
I´m not aware of any option to log my items for this issue. Is that a logging feature at my end, or at the cloud end?

Is there a way in the oh-google-assistant cloud function to detect errors in the tags presented and send a notification back to the to myOpenhab as a notification? or to the users email address, which has been used to link the Google Assistant?

It seems that this is the main, and only real issue?, we see with the OH-Google assistant services is users with tagging issues…

Or…perhaps someone with skills ( i dont ) could create a check script/binding to advise if the Tagging is bad… OH3 perhaps could have this built in?

Hi All,

Is there a way to send command FROM openhab to Google Assistant? Wanted to trigger a google home device by action from openhab-connected device…

See OrangeAssist - Google Assistant Integration.

I started to have issues around the same time and didn’t make any changes to my openhab config. I also can’t get it working any more. I removed the openhab link in Google home config and re-added. After the oAuth confirmartion it tells me that’s successful but somehow the process fails and I can’t get it reconnected any more

Have you tried restart openhab? Perhaps even clear the cache and tmp and then restart openhab?

Anyone knows anything about the smart blinds/ rollershutter integration on google assistant?

Can we implement this on OH? @MARZIMA?

There is already an issue on GitHub and a PR that adds shutter support to the google assistants addon.
See here:
I think then next step is for the maintainer , @marzima in this case, to do a final test and deploy it into the OH skill (cloud functions).

Since a few days my Google Home doesn’t answer any more with a feedback when I activate an item tagged as a scene.
Google has always said: “Okay, the scene xxx will be activated.” (or something similar).
Lights are not affected, they still work. It only affects the scenes. Does anyone else have this problem?

Its a new “feature” for routines:

Okay, it’s actually not a bug, it’s a feature. :slight_smile:

Probably it is not currently possible with Openhab for Google Home to respond with feedback, Google will simply be silent?

For some reason Google Home say device twice.
“Turn on Pump”
“Ok turning on Pool Pump Pool Pump”
Does someone know how to get rid of this?

Did you set a Nickname in Google Assistant? Also, check the value if your Item label.

No nickname and the label is correct.

What is the name of the room that you put this device in?


Is it possible to reactivate the verbal confirmations in openHAB?

In principle no. The only thing I can think of, is to set up your Google Home as chromecast devices and make a rule related to each item with in that rule something like:

say("OK, turning of ...", "voiceID", "deviceID")


Does your post imply that Google finally implemented a setting that allows a user to not receive these voice confirmations?


P.S. I like to set my accessibility settings so that I get a beep when it has heard me. When I say “Hey Google”, I get a beep. When I say “turn off the lamp”, I get a beep. I’d love if I could set Assistant to not respond any further (e.g., “OK, turning off the lamp”)… unless it was unable to successfully complete my request (e.g., “openHAB is not available right now”). Telling me that it’s going to do something is a bit of a redundant confirmation that it heard me. After all, it’s not confirming that it performed the request (i.e., checks the state of the device after the request), only that it has made the request. Of course, most of the time I’m also there to see that the lamp was turned off or not. But the point is, those voice responses are usually pretty useless (given I have accessibility turned on).


I have not responded because I had no further suggestions… but I just thought of something. First, let me ask, do you have your Assistant set up as multi-user? If not, what I did may not apply.

I was getting incorrect counts in Google’s response to a request. I would say “turn off the lamp” and Google would respond with “OK, turning off two lights”. So it’s a different form of duplication from what you have. Nevertheless, I finally fixed it… but it was painful. I tried a few variations expanding the “reset” scope… but only a full nuke took care of my issue. It was a bit of a hassle, but not too awfully painful.

By full nuke I mean:

  1. I removed openHAB from both users’ accounts.
  2. I deleted the “Home” from the Google Home app on both accounts.
  3. I then recreated the Home. My Assistant devices (Home, Hub, Max, Mini, Insignia Clock), were added to the Home.
  4. I had to perform the voice match wizard for each of these, assign them to a room, and set the address. A bit of a nuisance. I wish there were a way to say do this for all of my devices. But there’s a lot of things I wish for (e.g., turn off voice replies). But I digress.
  5. I added the openHAB service to my Assistant.
  6. I assigned each device to a room.
  7. I added the second user to our Home.
  8. I repeated steps 4-6 for the second user (again, a hassle!).
