**Please remove this block after reading these instructions **
When your submission looks good, add the published tag and it will be available in the openHAB UI though the community marketplace add-on service. You can also self-assess the maturity level tags yourself and add appropriate tags from mature, stable, beta or alpha.
[ Add a primary screenshot or a logo here. The first image of the post will be promoted seen in the add-on list in the UI.]
[ Replace with your description.]
Language: [ Replace with the languages the script action(s) and script condition(s) are written in. If
more than one is used enter them in a list.]
[ Replace with a list of any external dependencies. For example, if the template uses a language that requires an add-on to be installed, uses an Action from a binding that needs to eb installed and configured, works with another rule template, ui widget, or binding from the marketplace, accounts with a third party service, etc.]
[ Upload other screenshots if necessary or remove the section.]
[ Add a list of the changes you made for each version, as suggested below (remove example sections)]
Version 0.2
- fixed: …
- added: …
Version 0.1
- initial release
uid: prosenb:offline_things_display3
label: Offline Things display 3
description: Queries all Things about offline state and displays the offline ones.
configDescriptions: []
triggers: []
conditions: []
- inputs: {}
id: "1"
type: application/javascript;version=ECMAScript-2021
script: >-
(function () {
type: script.ScriptAction