OH 2.2.0 Snapshots 1025-1028 / ZWave NPE

I don’t think it’s XText that’s causing the ZWave NPE at least. The problem seems to be with localisation and in any case XText reads the files during initialisation and not when the REST interface is read.

I added the additional channel into the binding yesterday and didn’t see any errors. Maybe my development environment doesn’t have all the latest updates in ESH so I’ll do a complete update tonight and see if I can find where this issue is. :frowning:


Upgraded to build #1027 with development zwave binding

  1. There is still no NPE related to the zwave binding. Also there has not been an NPE with #1025 and zwave development binding from one day earlier before the fix was applied.
    It looks like zwave NPE’s only occur with the snapshot zwave binding (can’t test, don’t use it).

  2. With #1027 I am still seeing the 500 internal server error in PaperUI and no things showing up in HABmin.
    It looks like those issues are already covered in the issue tracker here: NPE in ThingTypeI18nLocalizationService · Issue #4152 · eclipse-archived/smarthome · GitHub

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uped to OH2.2.0 S1028
still seeing the same 2 issues
using the “standard/mainstream” Z-Wave snapshot (not the sec/dev version)

no worries, my system is operational :slight_smile:

Yeah, mine too, but no chance to change any settings or doing the usual tinkering … :rofl:

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Just saw that @lolodomo has fixed ESH #4152.

Great, thanks!
Now as this is a ESH fix, how and when will it be forward-propagated into a new OH snapshot build ?
ESH-stable is still on #225 and Cloudbees is still on #1029.
Please pardon my lack of knowledge on the full dependency chain. Has anybody written down how it’s getting processed ?
If not, doing so would probably make sense to keep more people like me from annoying you hard working guys with more questions like this one.

Looks like we are lucky and get it a little sooner than usually:


A little more info can be found here:

Just upgraded to #1030, and things are back in habmin ! Also no NPE so far (I’m running the dev zwave binding, though).
Will check in more detail tomorrow. Thanks a lot @lolodomo and @kai.

EDIT (it’s 12AM CEST): still running fine.

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Just to add 1030 has fixed for me also, 500’s in paperui (though items tab seems to have disappeared - not sure when that happened) and no items in habmin. i wasnt experiencing the zwave error running standard binding.

thanks for fixing

I thought the items missing in paperUI was part of the bug, is it an intentional change?

That said, I’ve updated to 1031 and it all seems to be running fine

Don’t think so, items category tab is available in HABmin with #1031

But verify if “Simple Mode” is switched off, you won’t have an items category with that switch ON.

wierd, it was switched OFF, and I checked an item that I had added this morning and it had every channel linked, so the runtime obviously thought it was in simple mode. I switched it on, saved it and then switched it back off and now I have items again.


seems like another bug, the items show up but then when i reload the page, the items link is gone again. I think my system is stuck in simple mode. I’ll see if I can figure out whats wrong.

turns out I had an old ‘org.eclipse.smarthome.links.cfg’ file in my userdata\etc which though it had autolinks=false set, once I deleted it and reset the value it stuck but the file wasn’t recreated. that file must not be valid anymore but since paperUI was using it to set/get the flag but the framework doesn’t use that file.

edit: nope that wasn’t it, things are still be created in simple mode.

recently, the file /etc/openhab2/services/runtime.cfg was updated
the last line in there is:

# This setting allows to switch between a "simple" and an "advanced" mode for item management.
# In simple mode (autoLinks=true), links and their according items are automatically created for new Things.
# In advanced mode (autoLinks=false), the user has the full control about which items channels are linked to.
# Existing links will remain untouched. (default is true)

by default, the org.eclipse.smarthome.links:autoLinks is commented out.
As a result, the system will switch to Simple mode.
Changing from PaperUI the mode doesn’t affect this file.

Uncomment the last line and you should be ok.

edit: you are right… there is a bug… the items menu still doesn’t appear even after editing this file.

interesting stuff:

upon startup, the contents of /var/lib/openhab2/etc/org.eclipse.smarthome.links.cfg:

autoLinks = "false"

Items menu doesn’t appear

After switching it from PaperUI to Simple ON:

autoLinks = B"true"

After switching it from PaperUI to Simple OFF:

autoLinks = B"false"

Items menu appears

something is wrong? with the B being added there…

Good catch, seeing exactly the same here with #1031.

Time to open an issue? :grinning:

Hmmm, looks like that “B” has some sort of intentional use, so something else might be broken:

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This looks weird indeed - I didn’t expect that within the cfg files, only on the (internal) *.config files of ConfigAdmin.
Will have to investigate, must be related to the Karaf upgrade, I guess.