OH 2.2.0 Snapshots 1025-1028 / ZWave NPE

recently, the file /etc/openhab2/services/runtime.cfg was updated
the last line in there is:

# This setting allows to switch between a "simple" and an "advanced" mode for item management.
# In simple mode (autoLinks=true), links and their according items are automatically created for new Things.
# In advanced mode (autoLinks=false), the user has the full control about which items channels are linked to.
# Existing links will remain untouched. (default is true)

by default, the org.eclipse.smarthome.links:autoLinks is commented out.
As a result, the system will switch to Simple mode.
Changing from PaperUI the mode doesn’t affect this file.

Uncomment the last line and you should be ok.

edit: you are right… there is a bug… the items menu still doesn’t appear even after editing this file.

interesting stuff:

upon startup, the contents of /var/lib/openhab2/etc/org.eclipse.smarthome.links.cfg:

autoLinks = "false"

Items menu doesn’t appear

After switching it from PaperUI to Simple ON:

autoLinks = B"true"

After switching it from PaperUI to Simple OFF:

autoLinks = B"false"

Items menu appears

something is wrong? with the B being added there…

Good catch, seeing exactly the same here with #1031.

Time to open an issue? :grinning:

Hmmm, looks like that “B” has some sort of intentional use, so something else might be broken:

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This looks weird indeed - I didn’t expect that within the cfg files, only on the (internal) *.config files of ConfigAdmin.
Will have to investigate, must be related to the Karaf upgrade, I guess.