OH 3 Frontail / Log View

After you have changed this file, did you tried sudo systemctl daemon-reload and after that restarting frontail: sudo systemctl restart frontail?

Also you have to fix your typos in the file, but it looks okay for me.

Anyway @mstormi I have updated multiple openHABian instance with the built-in upgrade function (on supported OS), the openHAB update was always successful, but other services, like frontail and some smaller things were not updated automatically (like in the bash_profile file, which prints the openHAB version on login).
Also the old openhab2.list file in /etc/apt/sources.d/ were not deleted automatically and I got a few warnings on apt update.
I don’t really know what is the scope of the Upgrade process in openHABian, it should only handle openHAB update or other things as well, but this is what I have found after multiple updates.

I’m not sure which upgrade process you refer to, there’s 2 or actually 3 of them:

  • upgrade of the openHABian code itself.
    This is what openhabian-config asks you about every time you start it and there’s updates available
  • upgrade of ALL the Linux packages triggered via menu option 02
    This upgrade the OS itself, all installed optional components and openHAB application itself to their latest versions (note this does NOT trigger the upgrade from OH 2 to 3 because they have different package names)
  • upgrade of OH 2 to OH 3 triggered via menu options 03 or 42

The openhab2.list repo issue is just a warning, and fixed meanwhile, too.
The non-update of the banner is confusing but just wrong output. It’s a known error that’ll get corrected when we have the time to fix it.

totally overlooked this. Thanks Hans & Lorenzo.
now Frontail works again :partying_face: :star_struck:

Sorry I meant this option.

Thanks for your work! Great to see that these warnings are already solved.

Not sure what the problem is but when I restart openhab : sudo systemctl stop openhab.service The fronttail doens’t work for me anymore ( I have to go to openhabian-config and install it again to get it to work again.

This happens on clean install, everytime. Is this a known bug?

Same problem here, frontail does not work after restart. Tried it several times.
Additionally, in my case, the frontail log viewer does not show anything. When I open the logfiles in an editor, openhab.log only contains some old entries from bootup some hours ago, and events.log is completely empty.

Having the same problem. New fresh install openhab 3. Blank screen when accessing frontal, no log information, just the header, as above the log files do contain entries if I check them using another editor. Have checked the service file as above, all is correct. Also the service is running. Have done 2 full reinstalls and no luck, also have reinstalled log viewer via openhabian-config. And still no change

I have the aame problem.

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Which service are you talking about here? openhab or frontail?

In my case, after a restart of the openhab.service frontail was dead and needed to be stated additionally.

Don’t know if you’re facing the same problem as me … ( frontail was correctly running without anything displayed in the browse altough new messages arrive in the log … ). To fix it I came back to a previous version of one file [index.html] … see :

Where do I find the index.html in question?


alternatively you can follow the stesp in my previous post to replace the socket.io library and continue to use the websocket capabilities.

I am facing as it seems the same problem as described in post 1. The only difference is that I’m using a a fresh OpenHAB 3 install via openhabian on ubuntu.

Interestingly the path listed in the log viewer uses openhab2 despite a fresh install.

Reinstalling the log viewer results in an error. As described in post 3

So I did this:

But sudo systemctl deamon-reload gives me “Unknown operation deamon-reload”

In the end the path in the log viewer is changed, but still no logs are shown.

Any ideas?

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Typo! Correct spelling is daemon

Do I understand you correct, that you did an OH3 install from scratch but openhab2 path is seen in e.g. the frontail setup ?
Please check if you are on the latest version of openhabian-config - there are regular updates that can be applied during startup of openhabian-config.
Besides that please make sure that you have an entry to select the OH3 branch in your openhabian-config configuration file in /etc folder. Not doing that even in case you installed OH3 you might get OH2 related paths in setups for additional software.

/etc/openhabian.conf needs to contain the row


in case you want to be on openHAB3 branch for openhabian-config and related tools.

Thanks for the fast feedback!

Thanks! I literally checked at least 10 times for a typo and didn’t find it :man_facepalming:
Sadly it doesn’t fix the problem.


No updates offered. As far as I can tell it is the most recent version → v1.6.2-1047(8ee3a8b)

That might be it. I have “stable” selected. I am surprised though that this results in OH2 related paths, as OH3 was the latest stable version, when I installed.
Can I simply change that now so that the paths are corrected or do I have to reinstall?

Edit the file and reinstall frontail.

Thanks a lot! Together with downgrading socket.io as described above this solved my problem.

Hey Guys,

thanks for sharing this. I faced exaclty the same issue and fixed it with this thread. I have openhabianpi and upgraded to OH3
But I had still the text:

openHAB 2 Log Viewer (frontail)

You can change it in:
sudo nano /usr/lib/node_modules/frontail/web/assets/styles/openhab.css

simply remove the 2 in the .navbar section:

.navbar .navbar-brand::before {
  content: "openHAB Log Viewer (frontail)";
  font-size: 150%;
  padding-right: 30px;
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