oH 3 - homematic - Control week profile of HmIP-BROLL

Hi there,

i would like to control the week profile of a HmIP-BROLL rollershutter.
It is only needed in one room where i´m using the internal week profiles to open and close in multiple steps over time.
The rollershutter is programmed to do the following

sunrise = 5%
sunrise + 30 minutes = 10%
sunrise + 60 minutes = 15%
sunrise + 90 minutes = 20%
sunrise + 120 minutes = 100%

I can change the week profile for channel 4 from automatic to manual inside the ccu3.

Now i want to change this from an openHAB rule.

What is my goal?
I want to change the week profile to manual when someone used the UP or DOWN buttons of the rollershutter to manually move the blinds.
So if someone opens the blinds before or between the automatic profiles they should stay open.
Currently they get moved to the position of the week profile even if someone changed them manually.

I know that i could do this inside of the ccu3 but that would limit me to homematic specific triggers.
I also want to use triggers from other vendors that are connected to my oH3 instance.

homemmatic items:

Number hmRolladeTCLn {channel="homematic:HmIP-BROLL:ccu3:XXX:7#WEEK_PROGRAM_TARGET_CHANNEL_LOCKS"}
String hmRolladeCombined {channel="homematic:HmIP-BROLL:ccu3:XXX:7#COMBINED_PARAMETER"}
String hmRolladeTCLs {channel="homematic:HmIP-BROLL:ccu3:XXX:7#WEEK_PROGRAM_TARGET_CHANNEL_LOCK"}
Number hmRolladeCL {channel="homematic:HmIP-BROLL:ccu3:XXX:7#WEEK_PROGRAM_CHANNEL_LOCKS"}

I already tried changing the week profile in the ccu3 and see if one of the items changes…
The only item that changes is hmRolladeCL from 0 to 1 for changing from automatic to manual.
When using a rule to do this, it doesn´t change anything on the ccu3 side and the week profile will stay unchanged.

Has someone a solution for this?

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
    • OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) (openhabian image)
    • Java Runtime Environment:
      • openjdk version “11.0.11” 2021-04-20 LTS
      • OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.48+21-CA (build 11.0.11+9-LTS)
      • OpenJDK Client VM Zulu11.48+21-CA (build 11.0.11+9-LTS, mixed mode)
    • openHAB version: 3.0.2 - Release Build
    • CCU 3

I think i found a solution but i still have a question…

is used to control which of the three channels should be modified.
The week profile can be used for channel 4, 5 and 6.
The Number input for this channel is binary.

| Channel | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| binary  | 1 | 2 | 4 |

This will give us the following options to address the channel we want to change.

|                  | 4 | 5 | 6 | Number |
| No Channel       |   |   |   | 0      |
| Channel 4        | 1 |   |   | 1      |
| Channel 5        |   | 2 |   | 2      |
| Channel 6        |   |   | 4 | 4      |
| Channel 4 + 5    | 1 | 2 |   | 3      |
| Channel 4 + 6    | 1 |   | 4 | 5      |
| Channel 5 + 6    |   | 2 | 4 | 6      |
| Channel 4 + 5 +6 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 7      |

Now we need to change betwwen automatic and manual.
This can be done with
This Channel can have the following values:


But what is the difference between WITH and WITHOUT reset?
I already checked the eQ3 documentation, but there´s no description of this channel.

kind regards

Hello Michael,

did you ever found the difference between WITH and WITHOUT reset?

I also want to change the Mode using a widget, but wondering how to change a value for the 2 items


using a oh-button action command? Any hints?

Many thanks


Send 2 command sequential.
For LOCK and for LOCKS. I did this in the node red and that works.
But still could not get what means with and without.