OH 4.0 Greenfield - Setup Tipps

Proxmox (until recently ESXi) running an Ubuntu server VM running all my home automation services in Docker containers deployed and configured using Ansible and mounting local host folders as volumes.

I am using 99% managed configs so I access all that stuff through MainUI or the REST API. I do have some JS Scripting libraries which I develop locally and deploy using git, using VSCode Remote SSH to edit in them in place or just ssh to the machine and use vim.

Note that even my managed configs are git source controlled.

If I were still using file based configs, I’d use a local VS Code instance using the Remote Development (which comes with Remote SSH) extension pack. I have used the web based VSCode in the past and that works well too, but I eventually decided it was too much effort to keep it up and running with no benefits over the Remote SSH extension.

A terminal using ssh and multitail: see [multitail] color scheme for openhab logs. I’ve toyed with installing Frontail but have never had a situation where I’ve needed the logs in a browser page instead of a terminal. And I don’t like how I’d have to interleave the events.log and openhab.log files instead of seeing the two in separate panes like multitail provides (maybe that’s something that could be configured).

All my deployment and configuration stuff is done through Ansible. I never have to remember what I did or how I did something to configure the machine. It’s all captured in Ansible tasks.

I use Zabbix to monitor all my machines (virtual and physical) and send me emails when there’s a problem like too much swap space in use or unavailability. Home automation is not the only fun and interesting stuff I have going on in my network.

Looking at the features, multitail may come close, at least for the sorts of things you’ll find in openHAB logs. But it’s command line, not GUI.

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