OH 4 Units

Sorry, no!.
What do yout think a car bindig shall deliver?

  • km / miles or meters / feet based on LocaleProvider?
  • state of charge in unit one?
  • tire pressure in bar / psi based on LocaelProvider? It’s not Hectopascal!

What’s your determination on selecting system default as meter / feet?

You took a bad example! Of course the API can deliver miles as default but it’s the duty of the binding delevoper to transform the values.

Same quote but the UI cannot provide the right values without correct unit usage. State pattern ok but oh-charts are not showing correct values - see discussion here

After some research I’m able to set metadata unit for new created items within the binding development. Is this harming anyone?

  1. system default meters- fine
  2. binding can overwrite this with km
  3. user can overwrite with whatever unit he wants
