OH-repeater array item reference

I’m trying to reference an item in an oh-repeater array, and using the " BoGoB: Big Ol’ Grid O’ Buttons widget as the foundation for my remote control widget.
But rather than doing this, directly naming the actionItem in the array, which does work:

(shortened for brevity)

- component: oh-repeater
                    for: i
                    fragment: true
                      - - 1
                        - 1
                        - 1
                        - 1
                        - Apple_TV_TvStue_Power_Status

                     - component: oh-button
                           action: command
                           actionCommand: =loop.i[3]
                           actionItem: =loop.i[4]

I would rather have something like this, so I could have 1 widget and using that for several remotes:

    - context: item
      label: Apple TV Remote
      name: remote
      required: true
      type: TEXT
      - component: oh-repeater
                    for: i
                    fragment: true
                      - - 1
                        - 1
                        - 1
                        - 1
                        - =[props.remote]

                     - component: oh-button
                           action: command
                           actionCommand: =loop.i[3]
                           actionItem: =loop.i[4]

I thought it was quite trivial to do (and it probably is! :sweat_smile:), but I feel like i’ve tried all sorts of combinations with =items[props.remote], =items[props.remote].name, etc etc…its like I can’t see the forrest for the trees so someone please show me the forrest :laughing:

The yaml - character already defines the input that follows as an element of an array, so you don’t need to enclose the result of the expression in [...]. You just want props.remote not [props.remote].


- =props.remote

The magic sentence.
