Oh-webframe-card with Auto-Refresh?

I am using OH 4.3 (windows, edge browser). I am trying to show a webpage video in my OH UI. Therefore I am using an oh-webframe-card where I put the URL of a webcam.

Basically it works but I do see only the same video due to the fact the webpage source does not reload again.

Is there a workaround to use a “refresh” in order to see allways the latest video frame? Or how can I add a webpage in the UI where I allways get the latest info, like weather etc.?


This is weird that a “webpage video” just shows a static image.
You can try an oh-image component because that one provides a refresh interval. But then you need to provide the url to the sensor image of your camera.
Another way would be an oh-video component or even better the video binding of @matt1: https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/ipcamera/

You can read here for a description of what the widgets are doing in this case:

That post is several versions old, however, and the scripts at the bottom haven’t been updated (the blockly script may still work). You could certainly use the same key process with a button on the page that increments a variable which would give you a manual refresh button.