OH2 and "group" rules

I’m following the “Proxy Item” approach fpr Manual Trigger Detection and it’s working well for me. The Rule that aces when the group receives a command is doing a lot of work, but I like having it all in one place.

I’m using the same script for dimmers and switches. I have cases where I need to know simply if the light was turned on or off (a change in dimmer setting being regarded as an “ON”). Is there a way to do this without this excessive logic?

var binaryState = ""
if (triggeringItem.type == "Dimmer"){
    if (receivedCommand == ON){
        binaryState = ON
    } else if (receivedCommand == OFF){
        binaryState = ON
    } else {
        if ((receivedCommand as Number).intValue > 0){
            binaryState = ON
        } else {
            binaryState = OFF
} else {
    binaryState = receivedCommand

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Indeed. Thanks!