OH2 KNX 1.9 Binding Problems

Hello community,

i am trying to get my head around a problem i seem to have in my new testing environment, i am trying to move from OH 1.8.3 (which runs perfectly in a virtual machine) to a new Raspberry3 with openhabian (thank you very much for this great piece of work!).

Enviroment new:
Raspberry Pi3 with openhabian running openhab2-offline 2.0.0~20161224034628.
knxd 0.11.15 compiled from source connecting via TUNNEL to (a Siemens N148/22), has PA 1.1.20 set (free on bus) and executes read (knxtool read) and write (knxtool groupswrite) commands without delay or error.
KNX Binding 1.9-SNAPSHOT
Some other bindings (like Weather, Astro, ZWave), which i don’t think create the problem.

Starting up OH2, the log shows that the TUNNEL connection to knxd has been established successfully, but when i try to execute a command via basicui, Exceptions from the KNX Binding show up:
Value ‘ON’ could not be sent to the KNX bus
using datapoint ‘command DP 1/2/6 Licht_OG_Arbeitszimmer, DPT main 0 id 1.001, low priority’ - retrying one time: no confirmation reply received for L-Data.req from 1.1.21 to 1/2/6, low priority hop count 6 repeat tpdu 00 81

and then
Value ‘ON’ could not be sent to the KNX bus
using datapoint ‘command DP 1/2/6 Licht_OG_Arbeitszimmer, DPT main 0 id 1.001, low priority’ - giving up after second try: no confirmation reply received for L-Data.req from 1.1.21 to 1/2/6, low priority hop count 6 repeat tpdu 00 81

Additionally, the log gets spammed with this message:
Ignoring local Event, received from my local Source address 1.1.21 for Group address 1/2/6

KNX Binding Configuration (services/knx.cfg):

Item (items/beleuchtung.items):
Switch Licht_OG_Arbeitszimmer “Licht OG Arbeitszimmer” (OG_Arbeitszimmer,LichtOG) { knx=“1/2/6+<1/2/7” }

Sitemap (sitemaps/agb9.sitemap):
sitemap agb9 label=“Am Gepringbach 9” {
Frame label=“Test” {
Switch item=Licht_OG_Arbeitszimmer icon=big_bulb

What i don’t understand is that the actor executes the command from the basicui, but the exception still appears in the log. I can even switch the light off again after a few seconds, but not earlier.

I have read through numerous topics on this issue, including (but not limited to):


I have seen quite a lot of commotion on the KNX2 Binding, but i want to get this to work the way it works right now with my OH1 before moving on to the newer version.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Best regards,

Hi @astrnad,

Did you try to configure your OH2 system without the use of knxd?
Do you still have problems when you setup OH2 KNX Binding to establish a tunnel directly to the Siemens KNX/IP interface?
This may be a knxd issue… (not sending confirmation replies)

@Dim Hm, now that’s odd - the exceptions of not getting a reply are gone with using the N148/22 as TUNNEL target directly, light can be switched now without delay and no errors.

Just to clarify (if anyone can clear that): I set knxd to use 1.1.20 as PA, the KNX Binding uses 1.1.21 (both free on the bus and on the same line as the other devices) - do they need to use the same address for getting replies?

Anyway, the warnings in the log remain to be taken care of:
Ignoring local Event, received from my local Source address 1.1.21 for Group address 1/2/6.

Originally i used eibd and now knxd because the Siemens Gateway is a bit flaky with concurrent connections (only 4 or so allowed and no real way to see who is using what…), but if this setup works with only the direct connection, i’ll stick with that. Thanks for the hint, @Dim!

Best, regards,

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Tried just that with the same result, exceptions flying along. Why can i read and write KNX with knxtool, but not with the binding?

Best regard,