OH2 Z-Wave refactoring and testing... and SECURITY

Got it! Had to do: feature:install openhab-transport-serial in karaf console. Now it shows as active! It was in a post from this thread.

I added my Schlage Connect device but it’s “unknown device”. Is it supported?

There you go. Ya that was the one thing I was going to say could be the reason you’re not seeing it properly line up. That’s a note earlier as you mentioned.

I believe it is supported, but you may be hitting the same situation as I and some others. Try deleting the “thing” and then rescanning for ZWave devices. For some reason, I’ve seen that it will show up unknown at first, then afterward it will show up properly once it’s been deleted and re-added. Keep in mind, I don’t mean to exclude it, just delete the thing in the interface and re-add.

The other possibility, is that the secure inclusion did not finish properly. Make sure when doing the secure include, that you let it kind of sit for a few minutes afterward to let the full secure inclusion complete properly. It took a few tries I believe my first time before it succeeded.

Got it! Awesome thanks a lot for the help!

Using the test binding with a Kwikset 912 Lock. I have deleted all of my things and even excluded the device from the controller. Redetected device via HABmin right next to the lock. It does not show up as using security, and I cannot control it.

Any recommendations for how I can better troubleshoot why it doesn’t seem to be doing a secure inclusion? Any debug logs I can enable to see the key exchange take place?

Sorry for the noob questions. I have everything else working at this point. Thanks!


Sure - the debug log will provide this information - check the docs on how to enable this.

I should have added - if you want I’m happy to look at the log, but please send it as a ticket on my website as it’s reasonably secure when sending security logs (note that you’ll need to create an account to create a ticket).

@chris - if OpenCLC has timeout issues as well … I’m going to start to wonder … :wink:
In the meantime, I’m sending mine back to Amazon as “defective” and ordering a new one to make sure i don’t actually have a bad egg.

The timeout is to be expected if the device isn’t securely included - ie the device will not respond to secure messages if it isn’t securely included, and this will only happen with 10 to 15 seconds of the inclusion into the network.

Let’s see what the logs show anyway…

So I just added one of my Kwikset locks and I see a door lock, a general alarm and a battery channel. When it was connected to my Vera I had a bunch of additional channels along the lines of:

  • User code entered
  • Wrong user code entered
  • Lock external button pressed
  • Lock failed
  • Wrong pin entered
    (then a bunch more I didn’t use that I can grab if they help)

What information do I need to go find to add these additional channels?

Anyone else using this updated binding, ZWave thermostats, and HomeKit integration?
I’ve just run into a snafu in the logs as I’ve finally setup my thermostats to work properly in HomeKit by creating the proper grouping. Unfortunately I’m seeing a sea of these messages every so many minutes. I searched and found Issue #1275 on the issues list. Looks like this was resolved once before, wondering if this is a creep in the difference of how this new binding is operating? Bottom line, the thermostat stores Mode as # value, they enabled some way to read a transformed value for HomeKit, but looks like that may not be working properly here. Possibly due to changes in the structuring under the covers as advertised about the ZWave function here.

17:20:12.571 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:20:12.571 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:20:12.574 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:20:12.575 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:21:40.004 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:21:40.004 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:21:40.008 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.
17:21:40.009 [ERROR] [al.accessories.HomekitThermostatImpl] - Unrecognized heating cooling target mode: 1. Expected cool, heat, auto, or off strings in value.

I believe we are currently waiting on those channels to be added to the database. Pretty sure Chris is aware of this and just has many things on his plate currently. We still need the channel to monitor the door status as well.

Great, thanks. I didn’t remember seeing earlier and didn’t want to go back over 400+ posts :wink:

Well I haven’t seen the original issue come back, but I’ve had 2 more failures since where things stop responding. Last night this occured and I rebooted around 22:31 to bring it back up. Attaching that log. It’s also happening again right now.

Edit: Removed logs and opened ticket at “http://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/tickets”.

Interestingly, my ISP is blocking the link to this website due to it being an adult site!

In any case, please can you open a ticket on my website and post the log there - I would not suggest to provide any logs relating to security in an open forum…

Adult site!? That’s a new one, they used to block me for “hacking”. It’s just a security and tech blog site that’s about 7 years out of date now… As for the logs, there is no security device data in there right now as I haven’t gotten the door lock to work again since putting it all back together. Logs added to ticket at your site.

Well, you rarely see any kids on this forum, do you? :wink:

There’s nothing at all in the log - it was working until 15:20 or so, and then absolutely nothing at all in the log. There’s a couple of exceptions unrelated to ZWave at around 19:40 (something to do with homekit) - and then the logging starts after your reboot.

Unfortunately I can’t really say what would cause this - there’s no exception showing the any zwave issue or anything so I’ve no idea what caused this - or even if it was related to the ZWave binding itself. :confused:

Strange, that’s pretty much what I see as well with my untrained eye. After the fact you can see a few entries where I tried to control a device and it just does nothing about it like it’s unable to talk… The only thing that recently happened before this was a openhab update to the latest snapshot build. After any update I reboot the VM, ssh to openhab and ensure the serial service is added and re-add it when needed to get the z-wave binding showing active.

I’ll let you know if it happens again.

It’s doing it again now and I really am at a loss on what to try. Same problem, nothing responds, and every entry in the log complains that Security is not supported. No linux level issues with the controller, things all show online… Log will be attached at your site.

I’ll add in this state I can go into controls via the openhab sitemap and change states and nothing occurs, not even a log entry… Almost like openhab itself has crashed, however listing modules from a console ssh session I don’t see any problems, perhaps I don’t know what to look for?

I’m confused as to why you think this is related to zwave?

In both the logs you sent, there’s no errors from zwave, but there are a lot of errors from homekit that occur at the time everything stops working. To me, it looks like something is taking your system down - there’s pretty much nothing in the log other than these homekit errors so I would have looked there.

Maybe from the UI or something, you have a different impression that this is caused by ZWave - I just don’t see the link myself at the moment.
