OH3.2M4, Wemo Binding

This is the path to go but:

This is the setting production (not working)

This is setting test (working)

The bad thing is I change (in GUI) the production to “no selection” on both prim/broadcast. It still does not work.

The strange thing is that the screen layout does not look the same, as if this a different openhab version as on the test-system. Though both are openHAB 3.2.0.M4.

I will try again by deleting the setting and restarting the container.

I already had to do with the corresponding network configuration file. Do you by any chance can point me to the file. Else I will look it up in the hystory.

network.config in userdata/config/org/openhab updated to same as on the test system:


Still the same issue, no dicovery.

Done another thing :
on the test system
I set the primary and broadcast address

running a scan does not find any device

removed the addresses

running a scan does not find any device

restarting the openhab container brings back the missing things.
discovery worked!

On the other side if I do not set the primary and broadcast address other bindings like HomeMatic loose autodiscovery

Please check on the working machine, which address port 1900 (UPnP discovery port) is bound to…

Here the netstat output:

lukics@vevedock-pro:~/git.com/docker-swarm-and-compose/HA-Cluster $ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 1900
udp        0      0  *                           7476/deCONZ         
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java          
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                19921/java

Listing the PIDs

lukics@vevedock-pro:~/git.com/docker-swarm-and-compose/HA-Cluster $ docker top openhab
UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 TIME                CMD
haut                19844               19820               0                   11:29               ?                   00:00:00            tini -s ./start.sh server
haut                19921               19844               22                  11:29               ?                   00:10:21            /usr/lib/jvm/default-jvm/bin/java -XX:-UsePerfData -Dopenhab.home=/openhab -Dopenhab.conf=/openhab/conf -Dopenhab.runtime=/openhab/runtime -Dopenhab.userdata=/openhab/userdata -Dopenhab.logdir=/openhab/userdata/logs -Dfelix.cm.dir=/openhab/userdata/config -Djava.library.path=/openhab/userdata/tmp/lib -Djetty.host= -Djetty.http.compliance=RFC2616 -Dnashorn.args=--no-deprecation-warning -Dorg.apache.cxf.osgi.http.transport.disable=true -Dorg.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses= -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8080 -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port.secure=8443 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.timezone=Europe/Berlin -Xms400m -Xmx650m --add-reads=java.xml=java.logging --add-exports=java.base/org.apache.karaf.specs.locator=java.xml,ALL-UNNAMED --patch-module java.base=/openhab/runtime/lib/endorsed/org.apache.karaf.specs.locator-4.3.3.jar --patch-module java.xml=/openhab/runtime/lib/endorsed/org.apache.karaf.specs.java.xml-4.3.3.jar --add-opens java.base/java.security=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.naming/javax.naming.spi=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport.tcp=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.file=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.ftp=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.jar=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.content.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.xml.dom/org.w3c.dom.html=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.naming.rmi/com.sun.jndi.url.rmi=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.rmi/sun.rmi.registry=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.security.sasl/com.sun.security.sasl=ALL-UNNAMED -Dkaraf.instances=/openhab/userdata/tmp/instances -Dkaraf.home=/openhab/runtime -Dkaraf.base=/openhab/userdata -Dkaraf.data=/openhab/userdata -Dkaraf.etc=/openhab/userdata/etc -Dkaraf.log=/openhab/userdata/logs -Dkaraf.restart.jvm.supported=true -Djava.io.tmpdir=/openhab/userdata/tmp -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/openhab/userdata/etc/java.util.logging.properties -Dkaraf.startLocalConsole=false -Dkaraf.startRemoteShell=true -classpath /openhab/runtime/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.boot-4.3.3.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot-4.3.3.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.main-4.3.3.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.specs.activator-4.3.3.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/boot/osgi.core-7.0.0.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/jdk9plus/istack-commons-runtime-3.0.10.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/jdk9plus/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/jdk9plus/javax.activation-1.2.0.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/jdk9plus/javax.annotation-api-1.3.1.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/jdk9plus/jaxb-runtime-2.3.3.jar:/openhab/runtime/lib/jdk9plus/txw2-2.3.3.jar org.apache.karaf.main.Main

seems openhab is just listening on the UDP6

Though the same situation on the test system

lukics@vevedock-tst-01:~/git.com/docker-swarm-and-compose/nodered $ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 1900
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                8715/java           
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                8715/java           
udp6       0      0 :::1900                 :::*                                8715/java

Only difference I see is that deconz also listens on port 1900 on your production system.
Could you do a test without running deconz?

same result, scan does not deliver any Things

Installed Wireshark, but need some hand-holding as I have never done SSDP protocol debugging before

Right now Wireshark is installed on the test system (, thou seeing there prod traffic too (

I will close the thread for the moment as the Sonos binding is behaving the same.
I will look for the root cause nd report the results here

I was just about to ask that. So it turns out your prod system had an issue with openHABs JUPnP.
Please check with bundle:list if it is running and what version it is.

openhab> bundle:list | grep JUPnP
260 │ Active │  80 │ 2.6.0                 │ JUPnP Library

I enabled TRACE for jupnp

openhab> log:set TRACE org.jupnp

Here ther TRACE log, and I set the log back to INFO after a short period as the log was massive:

2021-12-05 07:48:26.854 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.854 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.854 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.855 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.856 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.852 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Trying to obtain lock with timeout milliseconds '6000': ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.857 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.858 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (MXHeader) '3'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.858 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.859 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.857 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.859 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (MANHeader) 'ssdp:discover'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.860 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Trying to obtain lock with timeout milliseconds '6000': ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.860 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.860 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.861 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (MANHeader) 'ssdp:discover'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.861 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (MANHeader) 'ssdp:discover'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.861 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Trying to obtain lock with timeout milliseconds '6000': ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.862 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.860 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.862 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Trying to obtain lock with timeout milliseconds '6000': ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.862 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.863 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.864 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.864 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.864 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.864 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.864 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.865 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (ServiceTypeHeader) 'urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.865 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1
2021-12-05 07:48:26.866 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (HostHeader) ''
2021-12-05 07:48:26.867 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (MXHeader) '3'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.868 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.model.message.UpnpHeaders ] - Adding parsed header: (MANHeader) 'ssdp:discover'
2021-12-05 07:48:26.869 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Trying to obtain lock with timeout milliseconds '6000': ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.869 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Acquired router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.870 [TRACE] [org.jupnp.transport.Router          ] - Releasing router lock: ReadLock
2021-12-05 07:48:26.871 [TRACE] [jupnp.protocol.async.ReceivingSearch] - Responding to service type search: urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1


openhab> log:set INFO org.jupnp
2021-12-05 07:48:30.075 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:30.208 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:30.376 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:33.078 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:33.408 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:34.045 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:43.065 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:44.193 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:50.325 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:48:53.466 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:03.063 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:10.324 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:23.062 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:30.324 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:43.063 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:50.070 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:50.325 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:52.857 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:56.024 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:57.003 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:49:59.901 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:50:03.061 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:50:08.022 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 07:50:10.338 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 08:02:35.526 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 08:02:35.527 [WARN ] [p.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors] - Device descriptor retrieval failed, no response:
2021-12-05 08:02:37.496 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 08:02:37.497 [WARN ] [p.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors] - Device descriptor retrieval failed, no response:
2021-12-05 08:02:37.686 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 08:02:37.687 [WARN ] [p.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors] - Device descriptor retrieval failed, no response:
2021-12-05 08:02:39.881 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 08:02:39.882 [WARN ] [p.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors] - Device descriptor retrieval failed, no response:
2021-12-05 08:02:43.062 [INFO ] [org.jupnp.transport.spi.StreamClient] - Timeout of 10 seconds while waiting for HTTP request to complete, aborting: (StreamRequestMessage) GET
2021-12-05 08:02:43.062 [WARN ] [p.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors] - Device descriptor retrieval failed, no response:

This is exactly the problem I have. Need to find a solution with my docker network settings.

the docker “veth” bridge interfaces are the cause of the trouble

Have you looked into this post:

I had trouble with my sonos and containerized OH until I modified some of the UPnP settings according to that post.