OH3.3 - Semantic Model mess

The configuration of your system is still unique to you, so yes, this is likely a single case. So we have to know about your system. There are many known reasons why items disappear from the model page and probably many more unknown. Each one has a different cause and solution.

We can’t really give you specific help until we understand both your system and the problem. Unfortunately, OH is a very complicated program and so for us to be able to communicate about the problem we all have to be very precise. You simply cannot have a “group of Things”, that is an impossibility in OH because group and thing have very specific meanings which are not compatible.
So we don’t yet know what you mean. Perhaps looking through this will help you:

This is not case; you have gotten responses from two top contributors here who have helped answer thousands of questions combined. There have been several attempts at answers even though we still only have partial information. If you want more specific answers than you need to provide more specific information.

This is where the details of YOUR system some into to play. You will notice that both of the answers rely on details that are specific to how you built and configured the system. There is a difference between just telling us vaguely what it should look like and telling/showing us the configuration you have done to make it look like that.

I’m sure it is possible, but give us more and be as precise in your terminology as you can so that we can help you.

What sort of information do we need?

  • Did you use the UI or items files to create all these items in the first place?
  • Can you find these missing location items in the items page? If so can you show us the configuration from the item details page?
  • Are there errors in the browser console? What do they say?
  • Have you noticed if the missing rooms all contain items linked to one particular binding? Other than netatmo, what other bindings do you use?
  • We know you have a vm running debian, but nothing else about your system. Has your java version changed recently? How did you install OH in that vm?

You CANNOT share too much information. If there’s a bit that’s not helpful we can ignore it, but we cannot guess at information that is not there.