maybe this is of use to someone.
I like the new OH3 UI for inspecting and maintaining items, but for me it is to cumbersome to set up a large number of new items.
When setting up new items, I want to be able to specify item-data but also metadata (as especially with OH3, metadata gets more and more powerful).
I did not want to use .items
files, as I still have to copy&paste them over when importing items.
I set up a class in Jython, which will work on a list of items, each item represented by a dictionary which can define item data and metadata.
Items can also be nested as child-items
in the dictionary, this will make the parent item part of the parent-groups.
In the dictionary, you have only to provide the key-values which you are actually needing for an item and omit the rest.
I believe the example in the code should be enough to get you going. If you have any questions or suggestions for the code - I’m happy to hear them.
from core.items import add_item
from core.metadata import set_metadata
import inspect
##### improve typing and linting START
# as per https://github.com/CrazyIvan359/openhab-stubs/blob/master/Usage.md
import typing as t
if t.TYPE_CHECKING: # imports used only for type hints
from core.jsr223 import items, itemRegistry
# you can delete this whole block if you don't want to setup typing and linting
##### improve typing and linting END
class ItemCreator:
def __init__(self):
self.item_list = None
def run(self):
self._create_branch(self.item_list, None)
def _create_branch(self, item_list, parent=None):
def extract_and_check_add_item_parameters(param_dict):
# extract all dictionary values, which can be handled by add_item
add_item_parameters = dict()
for key, value in param_dict.items():
if key in inspect.getargspec(add_item)[0]:
add_item_parameters[key] = value
return add_item_parameters
def create_list_or_none(list_or_none, element_or_list_or_none):
if list_or_none == element_or_list_or_none == None:
return None
elif list_or_none == None:
if isinstance(element_or_list_or_none, list):
return element_or_list_or_none
return [element_or_list_or_none]
elif isinstance(list_or_none, list):
if isinstance(element_or_list_or_none, list):
return list_or_none
return list_or_none
for item in item_list:
item_name = item["item_or_item_name"]
add_item_parameters = extract_and_check_add_item_parameters(item)
# extend groups with parent
if "groups" in add_item_parameters or parent != None:
add_item_parameters["groups"] = \
# delete item first
# TODO: add functionality to do updates
if item_name in items:
# create item
# add metadata
if "metadata" in item:
for metadata_set in item["metadata"]:
set_metadata(item_name, **metadata_set)
# process child-items
if "child_items" in item:
etod_items = [
# {
# "item_or_item_name": "DemoItem",
# "item_type": "type",
# # optional
# "label": "Label"
# "category": "category",
# "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"],
# "tags": ["tag_1", "tag_2"],
# "gi_base_type": "?",
# "group_function": "?",
# "metadata": [
# {
# "namespace": "namespace-name",
# "value": "value",
# "configuration": {
# "key1": "value",
# "key2": 42,
# },
# ],
# "child_items": [],
# },
"item_or_item_name": "ETimeOfDay",
"item_type": "Group",
"label": "Tageszeit",
"tags": ["Equipment"],
"child_items": [
"item_or_item_name": "TimeOfDay",
"item_type": "String",
"label": "Tageszeit",
"tags": ["Status"],
"item_or_item_name": "ETimeOfDay_Ctrl_Day",
"item_type": "Group",
"label": "Steuerung Tageszeiten",
"tags": ["Equipment"],
"child_items": [
"item_or_item_name": "DTWeekday_Day",
"item_type": "DateTime",
"label": "Start Tag Wochentag",
"tags": ["Control"],
"metadata": [
"namespace": "init",
"value": "2020-01-01T07:00:00",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"namespace": "etod",
"value": "DAY",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"type": "weekday",
"item_or_item_name": "DTWeekday_Night",
"item_type": "DateTime",
"label": "Start Nacht Wochentag",
"tags": ["Control"],
"metadata": [
"namespace": "init",
"value": "2020-01-01T23:00:00",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"namespace": "etod",
"value": "NIGHT",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"type": "weekday",
"item_or_item_name": "DTWeekend_Day",
"item_type": "DateTime",
"label": "Start Tag Wochenende",
"tags": ["Control"],
"metadata": [
"namespace": "init",
"value": "2020-01-01T08:00:00",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"namespace": "etod",
"value": "DAY",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"type": "weekend",
"item_or_item_name": "DTWeekend_Night",
"item_type": "DateTime",
"label": "Start Nacht Wochenende",
"tags": ["Control"],
"metadata": [
"namespace": "init",
"value": "2020-01-01T23:00:00",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"namespace": "etod",
"value": "NIGHT",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"type": "weekend",
"item_or_item_name": "DTHoliday_Day",
"item_type": "DateTime",
"label": "Start Tag Feiertag",
"tags": ["Control"],
"metadata": [
"namespace": "init",
"value": "2020-01-01T08:00:00",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"namespace": "etod",
"value": "DAY",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"type": "holiday",
"item_or_item_name": "DTHoliday_Night",
"item_type": "DateTime",
"label": "Start Nacht Feiertag",
"tags": ["Control"],
"metadata": [
"namespace": "init",
"value": "2020-01-01T23:00:00",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"namespace": "etod",
"value": "NIGHT",
"configuration": {
"etod_item": "TTimeOfDay_Day",
"type": "holiday",
item_creator = ItemCreator()
item_creator.item_list = etod_items
# item_creator.run()