Version: OH3.0.1 Synology Docker
I am trying to migrate a group of through the item text import as follows
Group:Number:COUNT(2) gRadiatorsOn “Radiators on [%d]” (gHouse)
and it fails with
Error: Syntax error at line 1 col 20:
Unexpected number token: "2". Instead, I was expecting to see one of the following:
A identifier token based on:
AggArgs → "(" ● %identifier _ "," _ %identifier ")"
Type → "Group" %membertype ":" %aggfunc ● AggArgs
Item → ● Type _ Name Label Icon Groups Tags Metadata
Items → ● Item
Main → _ ● Items _
The group members are all number values, where 2 represents ON. This can’t be a switch because there are 4 possible values.
The above code is pasted straight out of my .items file and it works from here - I just can’t import it into the UI. Also, if I add the group directly in the UI I can’t configure with a COUNT aggregation.
Have I missed something here?