OH3 Charts using markLine - different symbols


I have been using the Charts feature and have made some progress getting some custom stuff done. But I am stuck on how to set the start and end symbols of the markLine.

I have worked out how to change the colour and add labels etc. But have no idea how to change the end symbol. Tried all the resources I can find but no luck.

Hoping for some guidance/ideas?

My current code snippet:

    - component: oh-time-series
        name: Shelly UNI Voltage ADC
        gridIndex: 0
        xAxisIndex: 0
        yAxisIndex: 0
        type: line
        item: ShellyUNIshellyunie8db84d6b3e510163199230_VoltageADC
            - name: Charging
                formatter: Charging
                position: end
                show: true
              yAxis: 27.70
              symbol: diamond
                color: red
                type: solid
            - name: Idling
                formatter: Idling
                position: end
                show: true            
              yAxis: 25.50
              symbol: rectangle
                color: green
                type: solid
            - name: Discharging
                formatter: Discharging
                position: end
                show: true            
              yAxis: 23.00
              symbol: rectangle
                color: green
                type: solid  


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Seems like there is a difference between:
https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#series-line.markLine.symbol and https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#series-line.markLine.data.0.symbol
i.e. for some reason you can only choose the start symbol of an individual line, but you can configure both ends of all lines in a series (with an array).


    - none
    - square
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Thank you. Would never have found that…

Can you help with markArea as well? How do you define the area to be marked. Not seeing any examples of this at all. Want to just mark an area between two yAxis values in a colour?


            name: Test
             - 0
             - 22  

Looking for something like (but on yAxis):

      markArea: {
        itemStyle: {
          color: 'rgba(255, 173, 177, 0.4)'
        data: [
              name: 'Morning Peak',
              xAxis: '07:30'
              xAxis: '10:00'
              name: 'Evening Peak',
              xAxis: '17:30'
              xAxis: '21:15'

Also, see that in the docs:

Anatomy of a Chart Page

Charts are based on the Apache ECharts library. The Cheat Sheet (opens new window)on EChart’s website offers an interactive illustration of the concepts used in it. The openHAB UI currently supports only a subset of those:

  • Series: Bar, Line, Pie, Heatmap, Scatter, Gauge
  • Coordinates: Grid, Calendar
  • Other Components: Title, Legend, Tooltip, MarkPoint, MarkLine, MarkArea, DataZoon, VisualMap, Toolbox

Should the component names not match the case (e.g. markLine, markArea, etc)?

Plan to submit some examples for the docs once I have an idea of how to get some more stuff working.

Really not clear on how to convert the cheat sheet examples to OH components.


All the OH3 examples seem to be for a markArea below an item.

Anyone know if markArea can be used just to colour a range for highlighting etc?

data is an array of arrays.
So in YAML (you can use an online tool to convert JSON to YAML) it ends up like this:

    - component: oh-time-series
        name: Living Room Temp.
        gridIndex: 0
        xAxisIndex: 0
        yAxisIndex: 0
        type: line
        item: Temperature_GF_Living
          silent: true
            - - name: High Range
                yAxis: 18
                  color: rgba(255, 173, 177, 0.4)
              - yAxis: 22
            - - name: Low Range
                yAxis: 10
              - yAxis: 12
                  color: rgba(177, 173, 255, 0.4)

note the two - in a row.
Tried on https://demo.openhab.org/settings/pages/chart/chart_example_combined

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Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for (as you can see we have had some power issues in the last while :frowning:

Now just to work on the colours etc. Will probably remove the markLine in this case.

BTW I had a look at the demo site and it looks like the example is not there. Did you just test there temporarily or did you intend to leave there as an example for the future?


Hi Yannick

I have been trying to do some further formatting on my charts (position the name/label etc.

Found a few examples but not able to convert themt o YAML as you suggested. THey all give me an error:

Unexpected Token O In JSON At Position 0 - I used the same example as above too:

echart example.txt (1.8 KB)

Any idea what I am doing wrong and or how to position the label and make it bold?

So in your example position “High Range” left and male it BOLD?

Many Thanks