OH3: demo app bndrun

Should the demo app bndrun be able to resolve if no local modifications has been done?

For me the resolution failed:

Resolution failed. Capabilities satisfying the following requirements could not be found:
  ⇒ osgi.identity: (osgi.identity=org.openhab.core.model.rule.runtime)
      ⇒ [org.openhab.core.model.rule.runtime version=]
          ⇒ osgi.wiring.package: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.openhab.core.model.script)(version>=3.0.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
              ⇒ [org.openhab.core.model.script version=]
                  ⇒ osgi.wiring.package: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.openhab.core.audio)(version>=3.0.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
                      ⇒ [org.openhab.core.audio version=]
                          ⇒ osgi.wiring.package: (osgi.wiring.package=javazoom.jl.decoder)

bndrun shows “javazoom:jlayer” as “not a bundle”

It seems the javazoom class files are bundled into the core.audio bundle only if it is built on console.
Should this work in the IDE, too?

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@wborn Is this solved by m2e-maven-dependency-plugin?

It should but after some testing it apparently only unpacks the dependencies if the dir /bundles/org.openhab.core.audio/target/classes already exists. So the first time you run it in Eclipse with an empty dir bnd adds those package imports… the second time when target/classes exists the dependency is properly unpacked and bnd doesn’t add those package imports.

I had similar issues with bluetooth bundle and its libraries. Documented steps to resolve these issues: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-distro/issues/1191#issuecomment-739482688

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