I am trying to access Persistence data from Influxdb2. I have verified OH3 (3.1.0.M1) is writing to Influxdb2 (2.0.3). From within Influxdb2 I can query data. I have also confirmed I can manually add data using Item.Persist(“influxdb”). Also no data appears on my “Analyze” graphs in OH3, unless I set the Default Persistence to RRD4J.
I have tried the following:
Reinstall of the Influxdb addon
Tested the following DSL rule with multiple items, it works with RRD4J, but not with Influxdb2.
rule "PersistanceTest"
Item TestSwitch changed
var Number test = Feeder1_Wt.maximumSince(now.minusMinutes(60),"influxdb")
//var Number test = Feeder1_Wt.maximumSince(now.minusMinutes(60),"rrd4j")
logInfo("PersistanceTest.rules", test.toString())
The log outputs to some of the “influxdb” runs were as follows:
The expected outputs to some of the “rrd4j” runs were as follows:
2/23/21, 7:52 PM: Feeder1_Wt -> 4882.0
2/23/21, 7:42 PM: Litterbot1Power_W -> 1210.454
- Tried a number of other rule variations with Influxdb as default and with RRD4J as default.
Below is also pertinent setup from the Influxdb configuration file. OH3 is running on windows, Influx2.0 is running on a virtual Ubuntu machine on the same computer.
// InfluxDB persistence
Strategies {
default = everyChange
Items {
PetHealthPersistGroup* : strategy = everyUpdate
Litterbots* : strategy = everyChange, everyHour
Does anyone have any thoughts what I am doing wrong or additional troubleshooting?
Thanks for the help!