In the process of migrating from OH2.5 to OH3.1 I have migrated a homemade .svg floorplan to the new OH3.1 floorplan. All devices has been moved, except my garage door.
The garage door is hard because it uses a Fibaro smart implant Z-Wave device to detect the state and send the commands.
I have two switches to detect end positions (both being OFF is moving up or down):
Door_Garage_IsClosed (ON/OFF)
Door_Garage_IsOpen (ON/OFF)
And two Switches I can send commands to:
Door_Garage_Open, send ON to open
Door_Garage_Close, send ON to close
Using the .svg I have set .class and sent the correct command like this:
ng-class="{“port-open”: itemState(‘Door_Garage_IsClosed’) != ‘ON’ }"
ng-click=“sendCmd((itemState(‘Door_Garage_IsClosed’) == ‘ON’) ? ‘Door_Garage_Open’ : ‘Door_Garage_Close’, ‘ON’)” />
Is it possible to get a Marker in a floorplan to display the correct oh:garagedoor icon based on two different states and send different commands based on the state?
Or is it possible to create a rollershutter item that I can using profiles and the existing items?
I am able to create a widget for it, but I am not able to place the widget on the floorplan.
uid: garagedoor
- garagedoor
- garage
- description: Garage door name
label: Name
name: name
required: false
type: TEXT
- context: item
description: Control that closes the port
label: Control Item to Close the garage
name: control_item_close
required: true
type: TEXT
- context: item
description: Control that opens the port
label: Control Item to Open the garage
name: control_item_open
required: true
type: TEXT
- context: item
description: Sensor Item Is Closed
label: Sensor Item that shows the garage is Closed
name: sensor_item_closed
required: true
type: TEXT
- context: item
description: Sensor Item Is Open
label: Sensor Item that shows the garage is Open
name: sensor_item_open
required: true
type: TEXT
parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Oct 3, 2021, 5:24:10 PM
component: oh-list-item
icon: '=(items[props.sensor_item_closed].state == "ON") ? "oh:garagedoor-down" : (items[props.sensor_item_open].state == "ON") ? "oh:garagedoor-up" : "oh:garagedoor-50"'
action: command
actionItem: '=(items[props.sensor_item_closed].state == "ON") ? props.control_item_open : props.control_item_close'
actionCommand: ON
badgeColor: '=(items[props.sensor_item_closed].state != "ON") ? "red" : "green"'
badge: '=(items[props.sensor_item_closed].state != "ON") ? "open" : "closed"'