OH3 Floorplan refresh breaks icon expression

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: AMD64
    • OS: Windows 10/10.0
    • Java Runtime Environment: 11.0.12 (Zulu11.50+19-CA)
    • openHAB version: openHAB 3.2.0.M2

Hi All

I have been working on a floorplan using icons etc with expressions to display the correct status (state) of my items.

I have bumped my head on an issue when refreshing the page.

As reported elsewhere the icon does not seem to update (on map type pages) when the state of the item changes, so a refresh may be required.

However refreshing the page seems to break the expression:


  - component: oh-plan-marker
      name: Garage Door
      coords: 275.1025568216373,197.80101192960697
      item: ShellyGarageDoorshelly1a4cf12f486ac10163199232_Input
      iconUsesState: true
      icon: '=(items.ShellyGarageDoorshelly1a4cf12f486ac10163199232_Input.displayState
        === "OPEN") ? "oh:door-open" :
        === "CLOSED") ? "oh:door-closed" : "oh:alarm"'
      iconColor: '=(items.ShellyGarageDoorshelly1a4cf12f486ac10163199232_Input.state
        === "OFF") ? "red" :
        (items.ShellyGarageDoorshelly1a4cf12f486ac10163199232_Input.state ===
        "ON") ? "green" : "yellow"'


However after a refresh I get:

Changing pages away from the FloorPlan and then back resolves the issue?

Not sure why the expression:

      icon: '=(items.ShellyGarageDoorshelly1a4cf12f486ac10163199232_Input.displayState
        === "OPEN") ? "oh:door-open" :
        === "CLOSED") ? "oh:door-closed" : "oh:alarm"'

would fall through to the oh:alarm error condition only after a refresh? As you can see the displayState is still correct and should show the oh:door-open icon.

Any advise always greatly appreciated.
