OH3 GPSTracker Binding HTTP 500 with Owntracks (and GPSLogger)

Any assistance would be appreciated.
I have started using Owntracks with GPSTracker.

I can get the GPS information into OpenHab etc. However when I try and setup Presence with the regionTrigger I start getting HTTP 500 errors in Owntracks and have to delete the entire Thing and let it rediscover to resolve.

I have configured the systemDistance channel as follows:

UID: gpstracker:tracker:01
label: GPS Marks Sony
thingTypeUID: gpstracker:tracker
  trackerId: "01"
  - id: distanceSystem
    channelTypeUID: gpstracker:regionDistance
    label: System Distance
    description: Distance from region
      regionCenterLocation: <REDACTED>
      regionRadius: 100
      accuracyThreshold: 0
      regionName: System

And that all works fine. I can see the distance of my device from system etc.

However I am trying to create an additional channel with a regionName of Home.

As soon as I create the additional channel I start getting HTTP 500 errors in Owntracks (as well as GPSLogger) when uploading.

Removing the channel does not resolve. I have to remove the Thing.
Code with additional channel:

UID: gpstracker:tracker:01
label: GPS Marks Sony
thingTypeUID: gpstracker:tracker
  trackerId: "01"
  - id: distanceSystem
    channelTypeUID: gpstracker:regionDistance
    label: System Distance
    description: Distance from region
      regionCenterLocation: <REDACTED>
      regionRadius: 100
      accuracyThreshold: 0
      regionName: System
  - id: distanceHome
    channelTypeUID: gpstracker:regionDistance
    label: GPS Marks Sony Distance Home
    description: ""
      regionName: Home
      regionCenterLocation: <REDACTED>

Would appreciate any assistance.

So after rereading the Binding documentation a few times it appears that only one distance channel is required. No mention that this is now allowed though?

//another switch for work region. assuming the OTWork is defined in OwnTracks application **(no distance channel is needed like for Home)**
Switch atWorkEX "Work presence" {channel="gpstracker:tracker:EX:regionTrigger" [profile="gpstracker:trigger-geofence", regionName="OTWork"]}

All you have to do is create the Regions in Owntracks and create the Presence switch in OpenHab.

Not sure how to properly report the HTTP500 error when trying to use more than one distance channel?
