Assuming it’s apt installed, I think apt purge openhab
will delete everything. Then apt install it again and you’ll be back to a brand new install.
There are several tutorials about MQTT including one of the examples in the Getting Started Tutorial: Adding Things - Advanced | openHAB. Here’s a link to a forum tutorial that explicitly addresses migration: Migrating MQTT1 items to MQTT2.4 items though it’s old and written for 2.5 so it shows PaperUI instead of MainUI.
And please ask for help where needed.
3 and 4 I can’t help with.
5 doesn’t require you to do anything. The binding’s functionality has become a part of the core and the way to configure it is identical to the 1.x binding.
WOL has moved to the Network Binding.
There is a new HTTP binding. Once you migrate your MQTT it shouldn’t be too hard to migrate your HTTP stuff as well.
Should just need to remove the Items and references to those Items, or more likely simply don’t migrate that stuff over to OH 3.
This isn’t a separate step. This should be done one by one for each binding so as not to overwhelm yourself with work and changes all at once.