[OH3] Item text file definition for widgets (especially with "open popup" action)

Hi together,

I used the current lockdown to set up a completly new OH3 Instanz for my environment, coming from OH2.X.

First of all - an amazing step!!! Thx for all contributors effort!!

I had almost all things, items, rules ā€¦ in textfiles and it seems, that this is the best way to keep a simple backup-strategy of my > 550 Items and a bunch of rules.

So I researched a lot and somewhere I found the information, that also widgets can be defined in *.items files.




    , widgetOrder="20"

    , listWidget="oh-list-item" [badgeColor="=(items.centralSocketLeaveHome.state === 'ON') ? 'green' : 'blue'", actionCommand="ON", badge="Ausser Haus", actionItem="centralSocketLeaveHome", icon="oh:wallswitch", action="command", actionFeedback="Ausser Haus gesendet", title="Ausser Haus", subtitle="=(items.centralSocketLeaveHome.state === 'ON') ? 'Aktiv' : '--'"] 

    , widget="oh-label-card" [actionCommand="ON", actionItem="centralSocketLeaveHome", icon="oh:wallswitch", action="command", label="Strom aus", title="Ausser Haus", fontWeight="bold"]


Now Iā€™m looking for the definition for the ā€œopen popupā€ action with the ā€œModal component configurationā€ (actionModalConfig) settings for the items textfile.

Can someone tell me what the definition looks like? The question itself is how a YAML subgroup is represented in items definition?

value: oh-list-item
  badgeColor: "=(items.centralSocketLeaveHome.state === 'ON') ? 'green' : 'blue'"
  badge: Ausser Haus
  subtitle: "=(items.centralSocketLeaveHome.state === 'ON') ? 'Aktiv' : '--'"
  icon: oh:wallswitch
  actionModal: widget:keypad
  action: popup
    item: valueInputSocketLeaveHomePIN
    mask: "*"
    closePopup: true
  title: Ausser Haus

Thank you!

OK, there is a validated answer from Yannick to this topic in another thread:

It seems, that this is not possible in *.items files at the moment :frowning: