[OH3] Main UI - New „main_widget“ - development and testing [deprecated]

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. File an issue on the openhab-webuis repo explaining what you are doing (see How to file an Issue)
  3. After some discussion, hopefully with the maintainer(s) and concurrence with your approach fork the repo.
  4. In your fork of the repo, create a branch for your change, implement the changes to the code necessary and commit the changes.
  5. Submit a PR containing the changes.
  6. Wait for a review from the maintainer(s) and address any concerns they have with the code.
  7. Once the maintainer(s) are satisfied they will merge the change into baseline.

That’s a high level description of the process. If you are not a developer, you can take this to step 2 and parts of step 3. But you then will have to wait and see when/if someone volunteers to do steps 3-7. That’s often where things fall down. Good ideas are not worth much without someone volunteering to do the work to implement them.

I would say it’s not wrong or better but the approach being followed now is possible using the skills and interests of the people on this thread. I don’t know that many, if any, have the skills and interest in volunteering to pursue implementing this as part of the UI itself. It’s a somewhat different skill set to implement code that creates the code necessary to create a new type of page compared to what is being done here which is using the framework that already exists which is more configuration than coding new (that is not to diminish the work that is being done here which is impressive).