OH3 pages textual configuration

openHAB is NOT diverging from the path to use textual configuration. There are no plans for such.

Not having a possibility to configure pages via text files just means, nobody has developed this feature. So if you have such a strong demand for it, feel free to contribute.

On the other hand, BasicUI is still there and will remain, so like in openHAB 2.5.x, you can define a UI via text config.

As you see, nobody took away key features/options, but new possibilities have been added, which will evolve in the future.

I can confirm that statement. I have been migrating from 2.5 to ver. 3 recently and I can develop Basic UI over the web interface in text form. However…
I still do not know how to tell openhabian he should take the .sitemap file from sitemaps folder. :frowning:
I did not find explanation in the documentation on that.
Any suggestion?

I don’t understand your question. If using the official apps, all sitemaps in your sitemap folder should be listed and selectable.

I have created new sitemap within OH3 official interface. This sitemap is not being located in /sitemaps folder → this i understood. Can debate on the forum about concept but it makes no sense. OpenHab developers had to really think about the concept and I trust them in this what they do.
Nevertheless, me as probably many other older users have habits. We definitely need more time to switch :slight_smile:

From some reasons my sitemap does not support dynamic parameters like visibility or valuecolors (see my recent question in already closed post)
So naturally, to solve my problem I was trying the “old way” and created new sitemap I could test and check if it is working as in 2.5 or not.
This is the reason I am looking for possibility to tell OH3 to use another sitemap page, defined in the file and located in sitemap folder.

In 2.5 it was possible with Paer UI → Configuration …to attach the .sitemap file.

PaperUI never used sitemaps, only BasiUI and deprecated ClassicUI.

As I wrote, you can select the sitemap within openHABs official apps, or you can call BasicUI within your browser giving the correct sitemap as parameter :


Sitemaps in your filesystem will not show up under pages, as they cannot be edited.

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Sorry maybe I was not precise enough.
I meant this kind of BasicUI configuration page.

It means there is no possibility to link to the file based sitemap in the \openhabian\openHAB-conf\sitemaps folder, right?

Just for me to be sure I understood. In this case I will have to write separate post asking for help on how to run dynamic parameters because it does not work for me at all.
Secondly, if this is not going to work why we have the same folder structures like in OH2?

Did you check
Other Services
Last param : default sitemap

Yes. I have only these sitemaps visible, they were created with official pages creation.
Trying to type the name of the sitemap from the file does not work.

It definitely works, tried it here before posting.
Please show us one of your textual sitemaps.

Please note that it can lead to issues if using both, GUI and textual sitemaps at the same time. This had already been mentioned with items and things.

I am aware of it. I will not have multiple sites. I need to understand where do I make mistakes.

My textual site saved under \openhabian\openHAB-conf\sitemaps\wesiory3.sitemap looks similar to the created in a new way of OH3.

sitemap mainSitemap label="Wesiory2" {
    Frame label="System Info" {
        Default icon="settings" item=Systeminfo_Storage_UsedPercent label="Storage used"
        Default icon="settings" item=Systeminfo_Storage_AvailablePercent label="Storage avialable"
        Default icon="settings" item=Systeminfo_IPAddress label="IP Address"
        Default icon="temperature" item=Systeminfo_CPUTemperature label="CPU Temperature"
        Text icon="time" label="Uptime formated" item=SystemUptimeFormated
        Default icon="time" label="Uptime" item=Systeminfo_SystemUptime
    Frame label="Network" {
        Text icon="network" item=PingJaceksiPhone_Online label="Jacek's iPhone"
        Text icon="network" item=PingableJaceksGalaxy8_Online label="Jacek's Galaxy 8"
        Text icon="network" label="Gosia's SONY" item=PingableGosiasPhone_Online
    Frame icon="garage" label="Garage" {
        Default icon="temperature" label="Temperature" item=AEOTECMultisensor6_Sensortemperature
        Default icon="humidity" label="Humidity" item=AEOTECMultisensor6_Sensorrelativehumidity
        Default icon="sun" label="UV" item=AEOTECMultisensor6_Sensorultraviolet
        Default icon="sun_clouds" label="Luminance" item=AEOTECMultisensor6_Sensorluminance
        Switch icon="motion" label="Motion Alarm" item=AEOTECMultisensor6_MotionAlarm mappings=[ON="ALARM!",OFF="OK"]
        Text icon="motion" label="Motion Alarm" item=AEOTECMultisensor6_MotionAlarm mappings=[ON="ALARM!",OFF="OK"]

That‘s the issue, your sitemap file needs to be named



WORKS! Now I understand.
Thanks. Now i can refer to the page defined in the sitemaps folder.

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