OH3 XPath

I think it might be me who re-invented the wheel! I’ll show you what I’ve done, but be warned: I’m not a programmer, nor do I work in IT: everything I’ve done is hacked together from other examples.

I am on openHAB 2.5.10.

I use the Jython Helper Libraries, installed as per this post.

I have installed the datapoint-python project.

In $OPENHAB_CONF/lib/python/configuration.py I have the following, defining my key:

datapoint_key = "xxxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-xxxx-yyyy"

In $OPENHAB_CONF/lib/python/personal/personal_functions.py I have the following. This function returns a boolean True or False depending on whether it is likely to rain at the specified site_id, time and date:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from core.actions import LogAction
import datapoint
import configuration
from configuration import datapoint_key

def will_it_rain(site_id, time=None, date=0):

    rain_flag = False

    # Create connection to DataPoint with your API key
    conn = datapoint.connection(api_key=datapoint_key)

    # Get a forecast for site_id with 3 hourly timesteps
    forecast = conn.get_forecast_for_site(site_id, "3hourly")

    if time == None:
        LogAction.logInfo("will_it_rain","Checking for rain all day")
        # Loop through all the timesteps in day date
        for timestep in forecast.days[date].timesteps:
            # Check to see if the chance of rain is more than 30% at any point
            if timestep.precipitation.value > 30:
                LogAction.logInfo("will_it_rain","Rain chance {}% at {}".format(timestep.precipitation.value,timestep.date))
                rain_flag = True
        LogAction.logInfo("will_it_rain","Checking for rain at a specific time")
        # Get the difference in time between now and the requested forecast time
        delta = time - datetime.now()

        # Check that the difference in time is into the future. If not, assume the request is for now
        if delta.total_seconds() > 0:
            if forecast.future(in_seconds=delta.total_seconds()).precipitation.value > 30:
                LogAction.logInfo("will_it_rain","Rain chance {}% at {}".format(forecast.future(in_seconds=delta.total_seconds()).precipitation.value,forecast.future(in_seconds=delta.total_seconds()).date))
                rain_flag = True
            if forecast.now().precipitation.value > 30:
                LogAction.logInfo("will_it_rain","Rain chance {}% at {}".format(forecast.future(in_seconds=delta.total_seconds()).precipitation.value,forecast.future(in_seconds=delta.total_seconds()).date))
                rain_flag = True
    return rain_flag

From my Jython rules within openHAB, I can then call:

will_it_rain(351492, date=0)

which will return whether it will rain at the site 351492 at any point today (date 0). Or

import datetime as dt

tomorrow_at_8 = dt.datetime.combine(dt.date.today() + dt.timedelta(days=1), dt.time(8,0))

will_it_rain(351492, time=tomorrow_at_8)

which will return whether it will rain at the site 351492 at 8am tomorrow morning. Or

from datetime import datetime

will_it_rain(351492, time=datetime.now())

which will return whether it will rain at the site 351492 now.

That’s all I’m doing with the DataPoint data at the moment. Not pretty whatsoever, and I am certainly considering moving to using the new HTTP binding when I migrate to OH3 - the fewer rules the better!