OH3: Zigbee not adding nor removing some devices

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 ; 4GB memory
    • Host: Linux openhabian 5.15.76-v7l+ #1597 SMP Fri Nov 4 12:14:58 GMT 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux
    • Distro: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
    • openjdk version “11.0.18” 2023-01-17
    • OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.18+10-post-Raspbian-1deb11u1)
    • OpenJDK Server VM (build 11.0.18+10-post-Raspbian-1deb11u1, mixed mode)
  • OH Version: 3.4.3 (Build)
    • Installation method: openhabian

I have Zigbee running for a while w/o any problems. I have got some 15 devices, which work as desired.

Today I added a RGB bulb, the second of its kind (#2). The first (#1) is online for a few months.

The discovery failed with an error:

2023-08-13 08:12:33.724 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - A4C138280DBE8B76: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2023-08-13 08:12:41.843 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - A4C1383B857093B9: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2023-08-13 08:13:02.648 [ERROR] [.converter.ZigBeeConverterColorColor] - A4C138280DBE8B76: Error 0xffff setting server binding
2023-08-13 08:13:02.649 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - A4C138280DBE8B76: Channel zigbee:device:42b78e1deb:a4c138280dbe8b76:A4C138280DBE8B76_1_color failed to initialise device

Another scan resulted in the same error.

Well, I have another bulb(#3), let’s try it…

Another error:

2023-08-13 09:17:40.546 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - A4C138280DBE8B76: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2023-08-13 09:18:09.437 [ERROR] [.converter.ZigBeeConverterColorColor] - A4C138280DBE8B76: Error 0xffff setting server binding
2023-08-13 09:18:09.439 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - A4C138280DBE8B76: Channel zigbee:device:42b78e1deb:a4c138280dbe8b76:A4C138280DBE8B76_1_color failed to initialise device

Then I went on to remove the device #2.
I disabled the device and then hit Delete Thing.
It changed its state to REMOVING, and stayed there.

I went onto the forum, and read if things don’t work stop the service, clear cache, start service… I did just that, and ended up with the scariest restart… error upon error. I stopped the service and rebooted the rPi.

The reboot that followed when fine.

However, the Zigbee things still show REMOVING.

I added a new Zigbee thing; not a bulb but a LED driver. It added the ting and its channels.
Therefore, the binding seems to work, but the bulbs have issues; though I suspect the binding has a problem too, as it does not remove the two bulbs I tried to add.

I enabled TRACE logging of the Zigbee binding when scanning for new devices… but I can’ make sense of the log.

20230813_SCAN_Trace.txt (767.3 KB)

The scan starts in line 1173 and ends with line 2571. Maybe someone can make sens of it.

I have no sensible idea on what to do next.
Any hints appreciated.

[edit1:] Wasn’t keen to do a force remove, as it states it could cause stability problems.

Alright; I dared to force remove the items.

Interestingly, a scan w/o connecting any of the two bulbs (#2 and #3) these where added to the inbox. Weird. Seem like force remove doe snot remove these completely.

Anyway, I connected the bulbs, and this time they updated their channel.

In essence: problem solved. (Just don’t understand why).