OH4.3.1 - Values not persisting to Influxdb

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: _RPi 5, 8Gb, 500Gb NVMe
    • OS: Openhabian
    • openHAB version: 4.2.2 release build

Hello, I have followed various other posts about this, but I haven’t made any headway:

I ran Openhab 3 on a Pi 3 for several years with persistence using a remote MySQL database which worked perfectly.

Last week the old Pi died, so I built a new machine with a new Pi and an nvme drive. As the new machine has a signifcant amount of storage, I decided to install Influxdb and Grafana using the openhabian conifg installer.

I have restored a backup of my old OH3 configuration to the new machine, and have deleted the .persist file from the old textual config, relying instead on the configuration through the openhab UI.

I have verified Influxdb is running and can log in using the same credentials as set in the Openhab persistence configuration, which reports “connected to http://localhost:8086 version v1.11.8”

When I query the databases using SHOW DATABASES, I see

name: databases

When I “SHOW MEASUREMENTS” I get a full list of all the Openhab items, but there is no data being stored and I don’t know where to go next!

Can anyone provide any pointers?

Thank you


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