I have an issue with the visualiztion of the data from my persistance.
I’m running OH 4.0.4 as a VM
Hardware: QNAP TS451+ 16 GB Ram, Intel Celeron J1900
VM: CPU Passthrough 2 cores and 4 GB Ram 250GB Storage (18GB in use) Debian 10 buster
Java: openjdk full version 17.0.8+.-LTS
I have got an Item (Strom_heute) which is upated every 5 minutes by a rule. Thsi item is configured as a Number:Energy.
This item shows the current consumption of electric energy of the present day.
This value will be set to 0 by a second rule every day at 0:00.
If I analyse this item via the integrated item analyzer of a lable list item I get 28.742 as last value.
This is also the value which I can find directly in the rrd4j file when I open it with the rrd4j inspector.
If I visualize the same item in a chart page as an aggregat series with the aggregation function “Last”, I receive 28.503 as last value.
I receive the same value if I change the aggregate function to “Maximum”.