OH4 migration - UOM and other messages

Hi all,
I am migrating from OH3 to OH4 and got some error messages that I wasn’t getting before:

  1. This UOM raises an error:

Number:Volume viNsDHWGasConsumptionDay "Gas Usage (ACS)" (gViessmannDENS,gPersistRRDMinute) {channel="vicare:heating:varazze:caldaia24kW:heating_gas_consumption_summary_dhw_currentDay",unit="m³" }

2023-12-29 15:20:02.961 [WARN ] [penhab.core.library.items.NumberItem] - Unit 'm�' could not be parsed to a known unit. Keeping old unit '㎥' for item 'viNsDHWGasConsumptionDay'.

2023-12-29 15:20:54.502 [WARN ] [ty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - Trusting all certificates configured for Client@8b0d8f8[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]

2023-12-29 15:20:54.505 [WARN ] [ty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - No Client EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for Client@8b0d8f8[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]

Any idea?

Looking closer to what is used / defined to me it looks like the unit is expected to be a single UTF character instead of using two characters ( m and ^3 )

I tried but no joy:

Number:Volume       viNsDHWGasConsumptionDay        "Gas Usage (ACS)"       (gViessmannDENS,gPersistRRDMinute) {channel="vicare:heating:varazze:caldaia24kW:heating_gas_consumption_summary_dhw_currentDay",unit="㎥" } // , expire="5m,UNDEF"}
Number:Volume       viNsHeatingGasConsumptionDay    "Gas Usage (Risc)"      (gViessmannDENS,gPersistRRDMinute) {channel="vicare:heating:varazze:caldaia24kW:heating_gas_consumption_summary_heating_currentDay",unit="㎥" } // , expire="5m,UNDEF"}
2024-01-02 09:19:39.743 [WARN ] [penhab.core.library.items.NumberItem] - Unit '?' could not be parsed to a known unit. Keeping old unit '㎥' for item 'viNsDHWGasConsumptionDay'.
2024-01-02 09:19:39.746 [WARN ] [penhab.core.library.items.NumberItem] - Unit '?' could not be parsed to a known unit. Keeping old unit '㎥' for item 'viNsHeatingGasConsumptionDay'.

Please try copying symbol from wikipedia: Cubic metre - Wikipedia.

thanks @splatch

Solved adding

Any idea on the two errors below?

2023-12-29 15:20:54.502 [WARN ] [ty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - Trusting all certificates configured for Client@8b0d8f8[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]

2023-12-29 15:20:54.505 [WARN ] [ty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - No Client EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for Client@8b0d8f8[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]

This is warning which indicates that no certificate validation is being made for connection. One one hand it allows to trust any certificate presented by system you contact, on other it rises risk of a man-in-the-middle attack (MITM).