OH4 upgrade issue #n

I am running OH3.4.4 on an RPi4 with openHABian and tried to update to OH4 today.

Version:     3.4.4 (Build)

User:        openhab (Environment Variable Set)
User Groups: openhab tty dialout audio bluetooth gpio

Directories: Folder Name      | Path                        | User:Group
             -----------      | ----                        | ----------
             OPENHAB_HOME     | /usr/share/openhab          | openhab:openhab
             OPENHAB_RUNTIME  | /usr/share/openhab/runtime  | openhab:openhab
             OPENHAB_USERDATA | /var/lib/openhab            | openhab:openhab
             OPENHAB_CONF     | /etc/openhab                | openhab:openhab
             OPENHAB_LOGDIR   | /var/log/openhab            | openhab:openhabian
             OPENHAB_BACKUPS  | /var/lib/openhab/backups    | openhab:openhab

Unfortunately following error occured:

+ openhabVersion=
+ cond_redirect apt-get install --allow-downgrades --yes -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout= --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew openhab= openhab-addons=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ apt-get install --allow-downgrades --yes -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout= --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew openhab= openhab-addons= \033[39;49;00m'

$ apt-get install --allow-downgrades --yes -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout= --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew openhab= openhab-addons=
+ apt-get install --allow-downgrades --yes -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout= --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew openhab= openhab-addons=
Paketlisten werden gelesen… Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut… Fertig
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen… Fertig
E: Version »« für »openhab« konnte nicht gefunden werden.
E: Version »« für »openhab-addons« konnte nicht gefunden werden.
+ return 100
+ echo FAILED

error.txt (38.6 KB)

Provide the full log and comprehensive information about your environment.
Which HW and OS are you on? How did you upgrade ?

Hello Markus,
thanks for your quick reply.

I am on bullseye with an RPi4 4GB and tried to update via openhabian-config entry 03.
I attached a log file to my former post.


Your question does not make sense to me. Use the case-correct name there, too.

Maybe the problem here is caused by

Probably is solved with

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