Onkyo Binding Error

I installed the Onkyo binding (OH2) in compatibility mode. I am getting the following error logged about every second:

at java.io.DataInputStream.readByte(DataInputStream.java:267)[:1.8.0_101]
at org.openhab.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp.waitStateMessages(Eiscp.java:346)[224:org.openhab.binding.onkyo:]
at org.openhab.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp.access$1(Eiscp.java:334)[224:org.openhab.binding.onkyo:]
at org.openhab.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp$DataListener.run(Eiscp.java:490)[224:org.openhab.binding.onkyo:]

My onkyo.cfg file:


Host of the first Onkyo device to control


Port of the Onkyo to control (optional, defaults to 60128)


Any ideas? I get this error before and after I created an .items file.

Ok, a little more information. I am trying to control a TX-NR646.

I did notice that if I unplug the receiver the message changes to:
2016-08-15 21:09:09.002 [ERROR] [b.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp] - Error occured during message waiting java.io.IOException: Not Connected to Receiver at org.openhab.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp.waitStateMessages(Eiscp.java:464)[224:org.openhab.binding.onkyo:] at org.openhab.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp.access$1(Eiscp.java:334)[224:org.openhab.binding.onkyo:] at org.openhab.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp$DataListener.run(Eiscp.java:490)[224:org.openhab.binding.onkyo:] 2016-08-15 21:09:09.288 [ERROR] [b.binding.onkyo.internal.eiscp.Eiscp] - Can't connect: Connection refused
This leads me to believe the binding is finding the receiver but something else isn’t connecting. I have tried using the binding from the Paper UI as well as uninstalling and installing the .jar directly to the addons folder. Same result for both.

Solved my problem. I am running OH2 b3 and the version of the binding available from the paper UI is v1.9.0b3. I uninstalled the 1.9.0 b3 binding and downloaded the v2.0 binding from github.

All is good now.