Yes github tickets are far better so they don’t get lost or forgotten…
I took a look and this section seems to differ…
binding sends
<wsa5:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true"></wsa5:To>
ODM sends
<wsa5:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true"></wsa5:To>
Note that ODM is sending a port 1028 in the to address. The port appears to change to possibly a random one.
I checked and there is a bug that means the port is not handled correctly by the binding.
This should be fixed in this newer build found in the link in this thread that explains a breaking change and how to deal with the dependencies:
@rotulet The fix has been merged and will make it into 3.2 Stable released sometime this month. You can change to using snapshots and get it right away, or use the precompiled jar from my website on older openHAB versions.