is there an official roadmap anywhere on the openHab website or forum which mentions the planned release date for the next minor release (as well as for openHab 2.0)?
I did a little search but was not sucessfull finding somthing like that.
I wonder if it is worth to wait for 1.8.0 or upgrade to 1.7.1 now. Currently I run a 1.5.x version and I am very happy with it. Only the 100% CPU usage after a few weeks is a minor issue, but I believe there is a fix for that in 1.7.1.
There is no official release date for either.The dev team is scrambling to get them both out of the door as soon as they can but have a bottleneck in reviewing the many many updates that have been submitted. They are working their tails off but I don’t think they have an estimate for a release date.
Personally, I would give 1.7.1 a try but if what you have isn’t broken it might be best not to “fix” it.
Kai has recently expressed some things regarding the future of OpenHAB organization (versions, and other)… The Future of openHAB
I used to be running 1.5 and am now running 1.7.1… there are a lot of under the hood things that have been fixed and improved… but there are also changes so depending on how complex your setup is and upgrade may lead to having a bit of work to do to get things working properly.
If you are happy with your existing setup and are not currently building it out, I wouldn’t change it.