Openhab 1.8.3 version not connecting to myopenhab cloud

I have had a very stable OH 1.8.3 + Aeotec ZWave stick running since 2016 now. I used to operate it from OH Android app to turn off a valve on/off that was configured via OH. I didn’t use this setup for an year as I was away from home.

Now, myopenhab keeps saying " Your openHAB is not online. Please check if your installation is running or recheck the openHAB settings in your account."
UUID and secret having changed. Even if I regenerate and re-register on cloud, nothing changes.

Any idea what may have gone wrong? I don’t see anything useful in openhab.log which shows errors or failed. I’m using as cloud connector.

I do see an exception related to atmosphere framework

17:27:59.450 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1891 ] - Auto detecting atmosphere handlers /WEB-INF/classes/
17:27:59.571 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:639 ] - Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.handler.ReflectorServletP rocessor mapped to context-path /* and Broadcaster Class org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster
17:27:59.574 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1945 ] - Auto detecting WebSocketHandler in /WEB-INF/classes/
17:27:59.596 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1602 ] - Installed WebSocketProtocol org.atmosphere.websocket.protocol.Simple HttpProtocol
17:27:59.639 [INFO ] [.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor:103 ] - Installing Servlet com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletConta iner
17:27:59.669 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:815 ] - Initiating Jersey application, version ‘Jersey: 1.18.1 02/19/2014 03 :28 AM’
17:27:59.676 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:826 ] - Adding the following classes declared in META-INF/services/jersey-se rver-components to the resource configuration:
class org.atmosphere.jersey.AtmosphereResourceConfigurator
17:27:59.871 [INFO ] [j.s.i.a.DeferredResourceConfig:101 ] - Instantiated the Application class cation
17:28:03.526 [WARN ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1097 ] -
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.atmosphere.interceptor.DefaultHeadersInterceptor
** at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(**

I have no idea but in the year that you had it turned off and tried to connect again something may have changed on the openHAB Cloud that renders a nearly decade old cloud connector add-on to no longer work. There were 27 PRs merged over 2023: Pull requests · openhab/openhab-cloud · GitHub. Any one of those could have broken the old 1.8 add-on.

Even if you keep your OH stable and unchanging, the rest of the world will continue to move on and change and if you depend on anything external, like the openHAB Cloud Server, you need to be prepared for a change outside your control to break your system.

Thanks for the response and understand that I always ran that risk.

Before I posted, I actually installed openhabian 4.1 and attempted the same setup and it didn’t work. I realized I had to resurrect my old system and that’s when I hit this issue. Nevermind, I will try Home Assistant once if that can support my system better.

Seems like a pretty big jump. But the jump from OH 1.8 to 4 is going to be nearly an equally large jump.

I will mention that Home Assistant is infamous for not caring about backwards compatibility and avoidance of breaking changes and they do not offer a free cloud service like (which is paid for by the openHAB Foundations, not subscription fees).

If your goal is to have long term support for a legacy installation with free cloud access, HA would probably be a poor choice. I would recommend your time might be better spent learning what’s changed in OH and adjusting your existing system over learning a whole new platform which is going to have less support for those things you care about.

But we are not anti Home Assistant. It may indeed support your use case better so definitely give them a look.

I agree Rich, OH has been great for all these years and would love to stick to it.

I just spent last 30 mins with HA and not liking it already :roll_eyes:

So when I find time, I will go back to OH 4.x. Since the system works internally (I mean LAN, non cloud), I will create a hop to get into network and operate my valve controls. Not ideal, but will buy some time until I fix the setup part. Someday I have to pay for the tech debt I carried!

I recommend not exposing OH directly to the internet. I’m pretty sure you are not saying that but I want to make that clear. Especially for an old version like 1.8 it’s going to have so many known vulnerabilities as to be very attractive to script kiddies.

A reverse proxy or even better, a VPN (Tailscale is super easy to set up and use) or the like should be good approaches.

As for migration, when you have time, consider doing it in stages. First move to OH 2.5 which should mostly support your existing config (unfortunately I can’t find the old 1.x to 2.x migration tutorial any more, we must have lost it over the years). From there, you can install a version of OH 4.2 (or what ever is the latest release at that time) and use the openHAB Remote binding to mirror all your Items in OH 4.2. Then you can gradually migrate from 2.5 to 4.2 binding by binding and rule by rule.

That approach is a little more work up front but I think it will minimize the differences and breaking changes that you have to deal with all at once.

Yes, not exposing OH to internet. Unfortunately all my ISPs large scale NAT me and don’t give a public IPv4, so I have to use a tunneling method to get in.

I will try the step wise migration as you suggested. Many thanks for your quick and valuable support.

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Then I will even more strongly recommend Tailscale. It’s an overlay network built on Wireguard and it does not require NAT. And installation and setup is a breeze.

Yes, I will certainly try that.

I was able to move to OH 4.1. Fixing some minor things on mqtt side and getting used to the new scheme of things. But have crossed the main hurdle. Thanks a lot for your help.

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The biggest mistake long time users of OH make when moving to OH 3.0+ is not reading the Getting Started Tutorial. So be sure not to skip that, even if it’s just to skim it to see what’s new and how they are used.

Also don’t think that you have to abandon text file based configs. Getting Started shows everything in the UI but most things have a text file equivalent. I personally don’t recommend that approach but some people prefer it. If that’s you don’t feel forced into the UI.

Don’t hesitate to ask if you run into trouble.