OpenHAB 2.1 - IHC

Thanks i will have a look :slight_smile:
Dan Nielsen

I think that isn’t necessary to go other forum to get help.
If there is any question about this binding, there are to many users in forum using it. I can help you if you have any question. The last question is more about synology configuration, and in my opinion you are mixing questions, and it is more difficult for you to get more information.

I too m a newbie to OpenHab2(OH2) and i’m wondering about a few things:
Where can I find the log file, to see if my IHC is communicating with OH2?
After I have installed the “IHC/ELKO” binding, how can I check, if it actually is installed OK?
I have 2 config files for IHC. “IHC.CFG” and “IHC.CONFIG” in the services container. Witch one is used?
What is the next step, to get to control my IHC controller, via OH2.

Thanx in advance.

Hi Tonny,

You must activate the log level in Karaf console:

Here is the documentation:

In your case you should do something like this:

log:set debug org.openhab.binding.ihc

After activate the logging level you can check the log in karaf console with command:

The IHC binding is configured in the file services/ihc.cfg.
Check here in documentation:

Thanx a lot @jmv_driver
Now I’m getting somewhere again… :slight_smile:

Great! :slight_smile:

How do i get into “Karaf console”? I’m running Openhab on a Synology.

Thanks… When i have set this up as you say, how do i make a test ex. make Openhab “push” a button in IHC that turn on the light in my kitchen.
Switch Køkken_lys_overbord “Lys over køkkenbord” (IHC,køkken,Lights) [ “Lighting” ] { ihc=“44538” }

I got the DEC (44538) using “IHC Visual” holding [CTRL] and pointing with the mouse on the button that turn on the light in my kitchen.

Where and how do i make/program Openhab to send/do “push” button (44538)?

You are mapping output ports right?

You must represent the id with one 0x before if the value is in hexadecimal.
Example: { ihc=“0x44538” }

I don’t know “mapping output ports”?

I Will add the “0x”

Your use case is to get light on and off not push the button? So you should control directly you ihc output (the light) rather than control the input (the button). That’s probably what @jmv_driver also mean.

To make IHC the primary system i like Openhab to “Push” the button. This way IHC get the right status.
But how do i program the funktion. I have not used OpenHAB before?

Hi Dan.
You can use rules to do this, but you have to have your items and the ihc.cfg configured correctly.

rule "Stue light, HUE ON"
		Item room1_OEH changed from OFF to ON
rule "Stue light, HUE OFF"
		Item room1_OEH changed from ON to OFF

When you press the IHC button “room1_OEH” which is a ITEM, your light “Stue_Ceiling_Toggle”, which is also an item, turns on.

There are ways to do this without using rules:

Switch ihc_tryk2 {ihc=">[ON:0x14268d11:100]", autoupdate="false"}

Look here for more described scenarios: