Openhab 2.5.3 Update Paper UI & Basic UI not updating from TP-Link Binding & MQTT


I just updated my OPenhab to 2.5.3 from 2.4

In 2.4 I had all my TP-Link devices working in Paper UI. When I would turn a device on or off the status update would appear on Paper UI Control Tab.

However, I made some MQTT items they would update on the Paper UI Control Tab but would not update the status in the Basic Ui Sitemap.

I updated to 2.5.3 however now neither the Paper UI & Basic Ui site maps will not update status…
Browsers tested Chrome & Firefox.

mqtt binding.thing

Bridge mqtt:broker:MyMQTTBroker "Mosquitto MQTT Broker" @ "MQTT"


  Thing mqtt:topic:Tank1 "Tank 1" (mqtt:broker:MyMQTTBroker) @ "MQTT OUTSIDE" {
      Type switch : Tank1Status  [ stateTopic="Water/Status/Tank1" , commandTopic="Water/Active/Tank1", on="ON", off="OFF"]
      Type number : Tank1Level  [ stateTopic="Water/Level/Tank1" ]

MQTT Items

Switch Tank1Status "On/off switch" {channel="mqtt:topic:Tank1:Tank1Status", autoupdate="true"}
Number Tank1Level "Text value" {channel="mqtt:topic:Tank1:Tank1Level", autoupdate="true"}


sitemap demo label="Test 2 Sitemap" {
    Frame label="Water Status" {
        Text item=Tank1Level label="Water Level" icon="cistern" 
        Switch item=Tank1Status label="Tank 1 Status" 

Used NodeRed from Rasberry Pi To generate a mqtt status update (on/Off) and water level (100-0)


// Extra Plug HS103
// IPAddress =
// Device ID = 800651BABAF739694169F28F97CC2AB31BC9E5AD
// Device Name = 98DAC49224CE
tplinksmarthome:hs103:98DAC49224CE "Extra Plug" @ "TP-Link Plug" [ ipAddress="",  deviceId="800651BABAF739694169F28F97CC2AB31BC9E5AD", refresh=60 ]

TP-Link PLug.items

// Extra Plug
Switch         ExtraPlugSwitch   "Power"        {channel="tplinksmarthome:hs103:98DAC49224CE:switch"}

Used Kasa App to control devices.

Can anyone help me to figure out whats up with the status not updating? The features all work once you sync the sitemaps up with the actual device state. So all the connections work. I have read that I thought these bugs where fixed in 2.5.3. Please help thanks.

Correction… The TP-Link updates are working however they are very slow took almost a min for a status update on Paper UI.

How can I increase this response time?

The Basic UI sitemap still will not update from MQTT without a page refresh. Any thoughts how to fix this?

Thanks Guys