OpenHab 2 and Stiebel Eltron

Yay! If you need help, i am a software engineer but as matzetronic i have no openhab dev experience either.

Danke. Diese Anleitung habe ich. Es scheint aber so, dass die Registerangabe fĂŒr Außentemperatur nicht stimmt. Ich werde aber weiter testen um das zu verifizieren.

The registers are mostly have an offset of 1 
 means if the register is 500 you should read 501 to get the expected value.

I also can recommend to use an app to quickly read the registers and think if it makes sense
I used on Android “Poll Modbus” to quickly browse all registers and check which are actually populated with values

Thanks for the quick response.
How do I best configure Poll Modbus to read all registers oft the ISG?

I would also be interested in the binding. Currently I am reading out my LWZ 504 via FHEM. The rest of the house is done via openhab
 :slight_smile: I can help with testing.


hi all,

here is a new version of the binding. The status is work in progress.


i am currently working on:

  • german translation. if some body is interested to help here please contact me
  • i am currently working on unit of measurements in the channel type definition. some channeltype have been tested but other still in testing.
  • i have not yet test the functionality on writing settings back to the heat pump.

let me know what improvements need to be done of if you have any ideas for new features.

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I was just about to test the binding. OpenHab loaded the file without any problems. Unfortunately I did not find a configuration that fits my LWZ504 (Firmware 7.59). If I take another one the thing ends with a configuration error (Thingtype version of heatpump 7.39 is not the same as the heatpump version 7.59)

Can I configure the new firmware myself somewhere or would it be possible that you take the version with you? The FHEM module (Ă€rmepumpe) works with the 504 without problems. So I guess that the parameters don’t really differ between the two models.

I can also help with the german translation.

hi zony,

i can create a new version for you and upload the new file.
the 7.xx version are with limited configuration

in my version (2.06) i checked all configurations.

new version 4 is uploaded.
concerning the i will send you some file later this week

Hi kreutzer_peter,

thanks for the quick adjustment.
When I add the thing I get the following message in the log:
“2020-05-13 22:28:06.846 [WARN ] [ore.thing.internal.ThingRegistryImpl] - Cannot create thing. No binding found that supports creating a thing of type ‘stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ504_7_59’.”

The thing then remains UNINITIALIZED


oh sorry , that to fast. I merged some changes from a pull request into my code and that broke some functionality.

  • currently the version check is affected
  • also liked channels are not linked on startup again.

will have to spend some testing and will inform this evening.

Sorry again

hi ,

new version available


  • implememted todo from Stefans review.
  • fixed version check
  • cleanup code


Hi kreutzer_peter,

the mistake is unfortunately still the same.
Just to be on the safe side, my Openhab reports version for the binding. This should be your last version?

I deleted the old thing and restarted openhab. Then I created a new one and in the log it said "Cannot create thing. No binding found that supports creating a thing of type ‘stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ504_7_59’. The thing is still set to UNINITIALIZED

If I can help in any other way (more logs or similar) please let me know.

found the problem.
issue is in Handlefactory.
the thingtype is not introduced there.
will upload new version in th eevening.



thanks for the advice. I had some time this morning and have added these lines


public static final ThingTypeUID THING_TYPE_LWZ504 = new ThingTypeUID(BINDING_ID, “LWZ_THZ504_7_59”);

After that I compiled the file again and could add the Thing. The status is Online.
But I don’t get any values at the moment (firmware version and outdoor temperature I tried).
Just the firmware should work in my opinion, because he read it correctly on the first try.

But I will try a little bit more this evening.
So far I have no experience programming with OpenHab so it could be that I did something wrong with the customization.

I just wanted to give you an update.

very good , will ad the line to the code.
please enable DEBUG in the console

ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.stiebelheatpump

so we get more logs

Hi Peter,

here my log with the last build from you:

14:39:54.894 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ303_5_09:8ac23607' changed from OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): Port is not known! to UNINITIALIZED
14:39:54.917 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ303_5_09:8ac23607' changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR)
14:40:15.317 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ303_5_09:8ac23607' changed from UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR) to INITIALIZING
14:40:15.335 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ303_5_09:8ac23607' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
14:40:17.410 [ERROR] [eatpump.internal.CommunicationService] - heat pump communication could not be established ! no data availabel!
14:40:17.411 [ERROR] [eatpump.internal.CommunicationService] - Error reading data : org.openhab.binding.stiebelheatpump.internal.StiebelHeatPumpException
14:40:17.411 [INFO ] [tpump.internal.StiebelHeatPumpHandler] - Heat pump has version null
14:40:17.412 [ERROR] [tpump.internal.StiebelHeatPumpHandler] - Thingtype version of heatpump 5.09 is not the same as the heatpump version null

I had readings ror the outside temparture before the update.

please enable the DEBUG mode in the console so we better understand why the the communication fails.
i am a bit confused as the “port is not known!” show prevent using the CommunicationService.
i added some more debug messages in the new version , which can be found on the same link .

After a restart of the Raspberry I now at least have the outside temperature. In the debug log you can see all other values (also the version). But for some reason the version is shown as date in OpenHab. Why I also do not know exactly yet.

This evening I will compare the other values with the output at the device and give a feedback if everything else fits.

Many thanks for the binding :slight_smile:

Version Debug
2020-05-15 19:05:54.788 [DEBUG] [.stiebelheatpump.protocol.DataParser] - Parsed value version -> 7.59 with pos: 4 , len: 2
2020-05-15 19:05:57.368 [DEBUG] [pump.internal.StiebelHeatPumpHandler] - Data version has value 7.59

String TE_SE_FWVERSION “Heizung Version [%s]” { channel=“stiebelheatpump:LWZ_THZ504_7_59:4de71a98:version#version”}

Value: 1970-01-01T01:00:07+01:00

great that you are testing and results are coming.

Ok looks good so far.

log.txt (12.1 KB)

I saw that somehow my settings for the serial port changed. I have a Enocean 300 USB Stick and my heatpump connected.

Yes version is shown as a timestamp:

Paper UI

Just a question
. shall i post my findings somewhere on GitHub?

And yes
 i have no idea why my inside temp is -60 :wink: maybe that indicates a not known sensor in the pump?