I tried to add it and a bubble message appears “Error: 409-conflict”
The logfile give the information:
2017-04-22 09:25:10.730 [ERROR] [home.core.thing.binding.ThingFactory] - Thing factory (class org.openhab.binding.harmonyhub.internal.HarmonyHubHandlerFactory) returned null on create thing when it reports to support the thing type (harmonyhub:hub).
2017-04-22 09:25:10.732 [WARN ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Cannot create thing. No binding found that supports creating a thing of type harmonyhub:hub.
I would be very glad, if somebody might be able to help me with that.
Build #887 was made just after this fix was merged. So either the fix is not in this build or you are still running an outdated version of the Harmony binding for some reason. You can check your exact Harmony binding version in the console with:
This is what I see when running the newer build #889. You can try that newer build one too. Discovery and adding Harmony Hubs seems to work fine for me with that build.