Openhab 2 sitemap not showing - please help

Hey guys. I found the answer on another topic.

Seems Opehabian default location for stiemaps and items is /etc/openhab2

So the open question now is quite different… how to make openhab generator creating files at right place?

I have matched my sitemap code to all requirements in the sitemap documentation as I understand it. I am fairly new so maybe I miss-understood something but as of right now…

I am also getting the “No available sitemaps” issue. please help - and posting the link to the documentation is not helpful as I have been following the rules there already.

Could you verify the following:

  • Did you look at the logs (myserver:9001)? Do they say some something?

  • Is your mysitemap.sitemap file located in the conf/sitemap -folder?

  • Are you using http://myserver:8080/basicui/app?sitemap=mysitemap where mysitemap is reflected in the mysitemap.sitemap-file ?

    like so in the file "sitemap mysitemap label=“My Sitemap”

Please note that this is not a default feature of openHAB.
That logging function is only available vie openHABian or manually installed frontail feature.
It could cause confusion if a user tries to open that port and does not find anything :grinning:

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Hi , I am new to this. Mine is blank, what do i put here?

The sitemap you want to load if you click on BasicUI on your dashboard:


Note that you can also load your sitemaps via:



i am writing default sitemap= home. when restarted raspberry pi default sitemap is changing to demo. i can’t understand.