openHAB 3.0 Milestone 4 discussion

Yes, that’s the error I’m getting in the logs, MapDBitemSerializer cannot be found.
I’ll wipe the MapDB files and see if that helps.


From Developer Tools there is an “Add Items from Textual Definition” option. Or when you click on the + icon to add an Item there is also an “Add Items from Textual Definition” option.

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Homekit temperatur minValue/maxValue
I have the following item in an item text file:
Number Garage_Min_Temp “Min” {homekit=“TemperatureSensor” [minValue=0, maxValue=100] }
How do I specify minValue and maxValue when I create the item from the new UI?

If I use “Add Items from Textual Definition” minValue and maxValue is specified in the metadata, but Homekit use the default minValue of 10C.

If I specify the item in an item text file the correct minValue is used in Homekit

I just realized I never posted about these strange errors I’m seeing.

  1. Shelly Binding: Every time I restart openHAB I see

    2020-12-03 09:50:36.664 [INFO ] [discovery.ShellyDiscoveryParticipant] - shelly1-25a289: Device reported Access defined (missing userid/password or incorrect).

The Thing shows as ONLINE, a correct username and password is configured, and everything functions as it should once OH finishes coming up.

  1. Periodically I will see an error from rrd4j

    2020-12-03 08:32:05.966 [ERROR] [d4j.internal.RRD4jPersistenceService] - Could not create rrd4j database file ‘/openhab/userdata/persistence/rrd4j/ServiceStatuses.rrd’: null

The file does in fact exist and permissions match all the other rrd files. If I delete the file it gets recreated. Querying the Item through the REST API shows it’s storing data. It seems to primarily complain about Group:Switch Items though never more than one or two of the many such Groups I have defined.

That’s standard metadata. So browse to the Item and click on “Apple Homekit” and select the TemperatureSensor. Then click on the Code tab and enter the configuration parameters.

value: TemperatureSensor
  - minValue: 0
  - maxValue: 100

Thanks Rich but it don’t work see my edit to the original post. Could be a bug in the Homekit integration.

Please just post the text, not screen shots. Pay special attention to the YAML I posted. It’s

  - minValue: 0
  - maxValue: 100


  minValue: 0
  maxValue: 100

When I use:

value: TemperatureSensor
  - minValue: 0
  - maxValue: 100

I get the following error when I Save: Error while saving metadata: Server Error

When I use:

value: TemperatureSensor
  minValue: 0
  maxValue: 100

I can save without errors but minValue don’t work

Just found a small problem while adding points to the system.

i Created a mqtt thing with a switch channel and the used the “add equipment” funktion to add this equipment and switch to the model. Everythiny work fin. But now i reconized that i fprgot the brigthness channel. No problem, just created it. Now i triebd to add a single point to the model and then the trouble starts.

I am Working with build #2042. Could someone confirm this error?

I had actually exactly the same yesterday, same error with same steps (only a temperature measurement)
But I am on 3.0.0.M3 still, did not reported it yet.

Had the same issue recently.
A workaround is to remove the item point and recreate the link from the Things —> Channel menu then re-add to the Model.



I’m still on M3 (due to reported errors in M4) but noted something really strange:
All but one of my rules are still in .rules files, and used to show up with a locked icon under the “rules” section of MainUI. So far, so good.

As of this morning, most (but not all) of my (DSL) rules are missing and are not shown there. The .rule files, obviously, are still there. Worse, the missing ones are not being executed.

After a restart they came back, but some reflect an old version of the rule on disk, and new ones are not being incorporated into the list.

Any ideas?

That is a typical sign of sd card wear if your are using sd cards.

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No SD card here, I’m not on a Raspi but a NUC with a SATA-SSD.

Yes and there is already an issue open for it. The problem occurs when attempting to add Points to an existing Equipment. The work around is to add the Items individually from the Thing’s Channel page (Add link → create new Item). You can set everything you need there including the semantic tags and the parent Group (the Equipment). I’m sure it will be fixed soon.


@rlkoshak Tnaks for the info and the workaround information

Hello everyone,
i’m trying to get the OH 3 M4 up and running without success. I have freshly installed openhabian and selected the OH3 branch using the config tool:

Regardless of whether i choose option 2 or option 3, the installation remains on version 2. If i choose “Upgrade to openHAB 3” over 40, the installation hangs. I have already tried the installation manually, but unfortunately without success.

It would be great if someone could help me with this!
Many thanks in advance!

Hello everyone,
i’m trying to get the OH 3 M4 up and running without success. I have freshly installed openhabian and selected the OH3 branch using the config tool:

And how does this apply to Milestone 4 issues??

If the installation of OH3 M4 via the config tool does not work, then that is probably a problem. And as you can see from the title, this thread is about “openHAB 3.0 Milestone 4 discussion” with the tag “Setup, Configuration and Use”

openHAB has no config tool.

That is openHABian which is a separate system that happens to use openHAB