openHAB 3.0 Release discussion

So, anyone already adapted their update script? I guess, there are 2 URLs to change.

Or maybe I can just extract and use the update script of 3.0.2?

Edit: This worked. Was able to update to 3.0.2.

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Yes, you are absolutely right - that was my mistake. I worked on moving everything to Artifactory that I fully forgot that the plan was to have the distro files still available on Bintray, so that the update script works smoothly.

I have now uploaded the files to Bintray as well, so that there should be no need to manually adapt the update script!


Hi there, are there instructions on how to upgrade to 3.0.2 from my current 2.4 release? Thanks.

I updated to 3.0.2, but the Bug #908 is still there :frowning:

==> openhab.log <==                                                                                                                                  
2021-04-26 14:26:58.521 [WARN ] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Unsupported request method HEAD

The Download page instructions are currently out of date, meanwhile the docs are up to date :confused:

You are looking on an outdated page, please check

And what do you think is out of date ?
BTW is not the official address so did you check ?

Hmm, OK, sorry for my lack of clarity. And I indeed linked to the wrong doc version.

The Download pageā€™s 3.0.2 Linux packages links still point to bintray, while the docs installation page Linux links point to artifactory.
The bintray repo now generate a ā€œ403 Forbiddenā€ when running ā€œapt updateā€ with 3.0.2 on Linux, while the 3.0.1 release did not. I checked that on 3 fresh Ubuntu 20.04 x64 server VMs.

I checked that I had the right versions this time :slight_smile:

You are talking about the instructions for package installation, those indeed still point to bintray and need to be updated.

Edit: Checked the sources on github, whish have been update, but not published to our website.
@Confectrician could you please check why the site is not showing latest update on package installation. Thanks.

I have seen a bintray url in the instructions.
So the download links seem to fit, but there is still a wrong example somewhere in that file.

Fix available in the next hours, when merge/build is done and cdn delivers.

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OK - really basic question here: How do I update from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 using just GUI stuff? Donā€™t ask me to SSH in to anywhere or issue command line instructions - they mean nothing to me. Iā€™m a technically-minded non-techie guy who came on board with OH3 because there is a GUI that allows me to do everything ā€¦ so whereā€™s the GUI update button? :confused:

My OHv3.0.1 runs in a Docker container on a Synology NAS, and the Synology DSM OS has a GUI enabling that setup. All my rules are Blockly based. So you get the picture.

I donā€™t understand the scary message about needing to do this update before May, but I guess I have to if Iā€™m to avoid future problems, so any help would be appreciated.

There isnā€™t one.

How did you install? You managed to install OH3 purely via a UI?

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AFAIK there is no ā€˜updateā€™ option in openhab itself. It depends on the way you installed openhab, was that on linux, windows etc. In your case you used docker on a Synology nas. I am not familiar with that system. However, I would look there for ways to update openhab.

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Yes, purely via GUI. Synology NAS OS is called DSM and it provides a GUI based method to install a docker container.

I also run the music software Roon in a Docker container, and to update that, Roon takes care of it all. I just click the button and Roon downloads and installs the relevant software, keeping all the settings and so on.

So this is a question really for the OH3 community, isnā€™t it? If the goal of offering OH3 as home automation software that can be used by non-IT folks is to be plausible, then the upgrade routine needs to be similarly GUI based, or the goal fails at the first upgrade.

And it doesnā€™t provide a GUI based method to update that Docker container?

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Thanks for taking the time to respond. The GUI doesnā€™t offer an update routine. From the research Iā€™ve done so far, my understanding is that all I can do is replace the existing image with an updated version. So provided the data files are held in volumes on the NAS rather than within the container, I think I should just be able to substitute a new container containing the new image for the old container.

Fingers crossed ā€¦

Thatā€™s standard Docker application behavior. openHAB is not unusual in this regard. In fact Roon, assuming that is able to update itself inside the one container, is the unusual one.

But to your original post, IMO if using ssh and issuing a few command line commands or editing text files for configuration are beyond what you are willing to learn and do, open source home automation systems are not for you. Compared to what one needs to learn and do to write rules and use technologies like HTTP, Exec, MQTT, modbus, KNX, etc. and debug problems, learning to ssh and issue a few simple commands is nothing. If you canā€™t or wonā€™t do the latter, youā€™ll never be successful at the former.

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Thanks @hafniumzinc and @mark_leonard_tuil for the encouragement. It proved simple enough to:

  • Stop the existing openHAB Docker container
  • Check that the existing Docker container setup mapped the openHAB volumes to Synology folders, to make sure the userdata/conf/addons data had been stored outside the container
  • Make a backup copy of those Synology folders containing the openHAB data, just in case
  • Download the openHAB 3.0.2 image from the Docker registry
  • Launch the new image in a new container using the previous container settings
  • Delete the old container (just for housekeeping)

All these steps were very simply accomplished on the Synology Docker app/package GUI.

BTW is there a need to update Synology DiskStation | openHAB since OH3 requires Java 11 which Synology doesnā€™t support? That was why I went the Docker route.

Finally, I was wondering if you realised @rlkoshak how discouraging and patronising I found it to read your post, and be told by a Foundation Member that ā€œopen source home automation systems are not for [me]ā€ and ā€œyouā€™ll never be successfulā€. Doesnā€™t exactly read like a warm welcome to a newbie, does it? And I couldnā€™t find any information in your post that was useful to help me address my issue.

I have used ssh in extremis and occasionally edit configuration text files, but I recognise that CLI work is relatively risky, particularly for someone who doesnā€™t fully understand everything involved. GUI are not just easier to use - theyā€™re inherently safer for people like me who are just trying to achieve an outcome, and not pursue this a passion or a hobby.

By the way, my first very small openHAB project has been successful and is used many times a day. My wife has Alzheimerā€™s and I wanted to create a bespoke Roon interface for her that was straightforward enough for her to be able choose and control what we listen to, just like she is doing right now. And to do that Iā€™ve had to gain sufficient grasp of OH3, Docker, MQTT, Blockly, HABPanel and HABPanelViewer, simply to control Roon and Harmony devices. And discover how to update to 3.0.2. All without ssh.

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Funny, you did all that:

without using any

Otherwise you are not sticking to YOUR posted rules. There is simply no solution, hence the straight forward suggestion of of Rich.

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This is neither pleasant nor helpful @opus.

No need to shout. Yes, i did all the above using GUI, however difficult you may find that to believe. Why do you doubt my post?

Incorrect - there is a simple solution - I posted it above to be helpful just in case anyone else might need it.

What suggestion would that be? Did you misread my suggestion that he quoted as his suggestion? As I said in my post, I couldnā€™t find any information in Richā€™s post that was useful to help me address my issue, just opinion. As Rich said, ā€œā€¦ IMO ā€¦ā€.

I feel really warmly received by you both. But despite the hostility, Iā€™m not intending to leave.