Openhab 3.3 stable : Millheat binding only reads values, cannot set them

I am trying to use the millheat binding in version openhab 3.3 stable to control an independent heater. I am able to get the bridge up and running, and I can find the heater via auto-discovery (for some reason textual definition of the heater does NOT work, but that is a different issue).

Once I have the heater thing, all expected channels are present. I can add items to all of the channels, and these do reflect the current settings of the heater, target temp shows the set temperature, heating state is accurate, master switch is accurate.

The issue I have is that I cannot control these values from openhab. Any time I change a value/state nothing happens, and the changes are eventually overwritten at the next update interval.

Has anyone else experienced this? It’s as if the binding can only read values, not set them, or that the app or cloud is immediately overwriting the set values. Perhaps there is something I am missing?

Here the same. 2 Millheat heaters

one year in. can confirm. i’ve never been able to control anything on my mill panels from oh. only read. i have two panels connected to different rooms and one panel set up independent. they are all three set up using configuration files. all ovens are of type “700W WiFi Gen3” (GL700WIFI3).

masterSwitch on independent panel is reset on next api sync. day, night and away temp on room things are reset on next api sync. vacation temperature and related settings are reset on next api sync. nothing takes.

the heater things are configured with both macAddress and heaterId.

I´m just about to get back into trying to update things from OH into MILL (I have Gen2).

In the past I have tried to set vacation mode automatically when I leave the house, but somehow the API dosn´t accept the update.

Plan now is to remove one heater from room config and try to see if it can be steered individually.

If I have any success, I will post.

This was where I got stuck on the vacation mode update.