openHAB 4.0 Milestone discussion

Now I’m on M5 and the “first-time-execute-rule-bug” is still present. Same behaviour as describend in my last post.

For me it doesn’t worked in 3551

I really don’t know any further, what I could do to bring the AVM Things online…

Same problem with avm for me after updating to #3551

I brought the AVM Things online in Snapshot 3551:

And all channels are there:

I also get Item change states in event.log

That’s what I have done.
I delete all of the AVM Things and recreated them. (They have be shown newly in Inbox)
Deleting just one and creating it new, doesn’t fix the issue.
I had really to delete them all.

Have a look on my comment…
MAybe this also works for you?

The last issues for me are with Amazon Echo Control and Kodi Binding:

2023-07-20 18:14:20.988 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Channel types or config descriptions for thing 'amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' are missing in the respective registry for more than 120s. In case it does not happen immediately after an upgrade, it should be fixed in the binding.
2023-07-20 18:14:20.999 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Failed to normalize configuration for thing 'amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX': {thing/channel=Type description amazonechocontrol:lastSpokenText for amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:lastSpokenText not found, although we checked the presence before.}
2023-07-20 18:14:21.025 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Channel types or config descriptions for thing 'amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' are missing in the respective registry for more than 120s. In case it does not happen immediately after an upgrade, it should be fixed in the binding.
2023-07-20 18:14:21.038 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Failed to normalize configuration for thing 'amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX': {thing/channel=Type description amazonechocontrol:lastSpokenText for amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:lastSpokenText not found, although we checked the presence before.}
2023-07-20 18:14:21.065 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Channel types or config descriptions for thing 'amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' are missing in the respective registry for more than 120s. In case it does not happen immediately after an upgrade, it should be fixed in the binding.
2023-07-20 18:14:21.077 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Failed to normalize configuration for thing 'amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX': {thing/channel=Type description amazonechocontrol:lastSpokenText for amazonechocontrol:echo:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:lastSpokenText not found, although we checked the presence before.}
2023-07-20 18:14:21.100 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Channel types or config descriptions for thing 'kodi:kodi:9849245e' are missing in the respective registry for more than 120s. In case it does not happen immediately after an upgrade, it should be fixed in the binding.
2023-07-20 18:14:21.103 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Failed to normalize configuration for thing 'kodi:kodi:9849245e': {thing/channel=Type description kodi:volume for kodi:kodi:9849245e:volume not found, although we checked the presence before.}

lastSpokenText channel does not exist. Try to recreate your thing.

I recreated Amazon Echo control Things and also Kodi Things. This fixed the issue…

After the recreation of all Things including Bridge everything is okay


I’m not sure if this is a regression in 4.0, but I never saw this behavior before and it’s driving me nuts trying to pinpoint the cause.

Given this channel type:


Number:Time Repro_Direct                    <time> {channel="miele:washingmachine:home:washingmachine:elapsed"}
Number:Time Repro_Label   "Label"           <time> {channel="miele:washingmachine:home:washingmachine:elapsed"}
Number:Time Repro_Pattern "Pattern [%1$tR]" <time> {channel="miele:washingmachine:home:washingmachine:elapsed"}


sitemap repro label="Repro" {
    Text item=Repro_Direct
    Text item=Repro_Label
    Text item=Repro_Pattern
    Text item=Repro_Direct label="Override [%1$tR]"

I get this result in the Android app (version 3.7.0):

The first two versions which are based on the state pattern from the channel description has an additional space: “00_:00”. The last two versions which overrides the pattern by the exact same pattern either in the item or directly in the sitemap don’t suffer from this issue.

What am I missing here?

I’ve updated the values from the console. e.g.:

openhab:update Repro_Direct "0 min"

and it doesn’t seem data related.

Same result with Basic UI ?


Check pattern item metadata, it should apply.
Might be related to UoM OH4 changes (introduction of unit metadata, check that one on the item out, too)
But working with Number:Time has always been highly complex and full of surprises.

I had a thought that it might be related to localization because I didn’t check that previously, and found inconsistent default translation - fixed here:

I then also tried with the pattern “%1$tH:%1$tM” in my item definition, and this introduces the problem. I think this pattern used to display “00:00” rather than “00 :00”.


I get the following error, when this rule file is parsed. It was working in Openhab 3.4.4. Error occurs in 4.0.0 M5:

 Script execution of rule with UID 'System-1' failed: An error occurred during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.BooleanExtensions.operator_equals(boolean,boolean) on instance: null in System

Rule Code:

// Boolsche Variable zum unterscheiden ob das System neu gestartet oder Items reloaded wurden
var Boolean SystemGestartet = false

rule "Bei Systemstart"
    System started
    //logInfo("System.rules", "System Start Rule wird durchlaufen. Wert Variable " + SystemGestartet)
    if ( (SystemGestartet == false) ){
        // Hilfsvariable auf true setzen. Somit wird dieser IF Zweig nur beim Systemstart durchlaufen
        SystemGestartet = true
        createTimer(now.plusSeconds(30), [|
            logInfo("System.rules", "Das Openhab System wurde gestartet")
        // Systeminitalisierung zeitverzögert starten
        createTimer(now.plusSeconds(240), [|
            sendCommand(i_System_Init, ON)
            logInfo("System.rules", "Systeminitialiserung nach Neustart Openhab durchgeführt")
    } else if ( (SystemGestartet == true) ) {
        logInfo("System.rules", "Items wurden neu geladen")

Looks like the “Rule Trigger” System started isn’t working.

If I change the rule to

// Boolsche Variable zum unterscheiden ob das System neu gestartet oder Items reloaded wurden
var Boolean SystemGestartet = false

rule "Bei Systemstart"
    //System started
    Item i_Testswitch changed from OFF to ON
    logInfo("System.rules", "System Start Rule wird durchlaufen. Wert Variable " + SystemGestartet)
    if ( (SystemGestartet == false) ){
        // Hilfsvariable auf true setzen. Somit wird dieser IF Zweig nur beim Systemstart durchlaufen
        SystemGestartet = true
        createTimer(now.plusSeconds(30), [|
            logInfo("System.rules", "Das Openhab System wurde gestartet")
        // Systeminitalisierung zeitverzögert starten
        createTimer(now.plusSeconds(240), [|
            sendCommand(i_System_Init, ON)
            logInfo("System.rules", "Systeminitialiserung nach Neustart Openhab durchgeführt")
    else if ( (SystemGestartet == true) ) {
        logInfo("System.rules", "Items wurden neu geladen")

it works!

I also tried, but this also fails:

    System reached start level 100

I guess the “System started” Trigger has changed from OH 3.4.4 to OH 4.0.0M5?

Check on which startlevel you are:

  "systemInfo": {
    "configFolder": "/etc/openhab",
    "userdataFolder": "/var/lib/openhab",
    "logFolder": "/var/log/openhab",
    "javaVersion": "17.0.7",
    "javaVendor": "Raspbian",
    "osName": "Linux",
    "osVersion": "6.1.21-v8+",
    "osArchitecture": "arm",
    "availableProcessors": 4,
    "freeMemory": 102176664,
    "totalMemory": 946147328,
    "startLevel": 100

I am using level 50 which works without any issues:

rule "System start"
	System reached start level 50
	logInfo("EXTRA", "System started rule ausgeführt")

2023-07-21 08:27:35.291 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.EXTRA ] - System started rule ausgeführt

Further testing, all starting level triggers seem to be okay:

rule "System start 100"
	System reached start level 100
    logInfo("EXTRA", "System started rule Level 100 ausgeführt")

rule "System start"
    System started
    logInfo("EXTRA", "System started rule ausgeführt")
2023-07-21 17:31:23.625 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.EXTRA ] - System started rule ausgeführt
2023-07-21 17:31:28.963 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.EXTRA ] - System started rule Level 100 ausgeführt