openHAB 4.0 wishlist

  • WebUi improvements:

    • oh-input:
      support ‘type: select’ and provide a solution to handle the entries so we are finally able to make use of nice filled comboboxes in the new ui.
      That way we can have a nice selector filled with one’s favorite selections wether it’s a simple radio channel selector or a complex mode selector without wasting space for a workaround by using buttons.
      It would be nice if there would be a way to map the entries for the oh-input in the oh-conf directory and it’s item files directly. In the past i’ve used the mappings= parameter in the sitemap, but since the new ui is here i’m rarely using the basicui anymore.
      → respective github issue #982 Can't add selection elements to oh-input type 'select' · Issue #982 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub

    • ohchart-series/echarts:
      make use of the respective locale / language and measurement System for all chart series.
      At the moment every user is being forced to use graphs in the English way of things.
      example see line 23: openhab-webui/oh-calendar-series.js at main · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub ( no update since implementation )
      This code shows that a calendar chart ( also the other series ) will always show the values with 3 decimal places and use the English way of displaying the values.
      In europe we are using the #,### instead of a #.### as thousand separators in numeric values. This can really be confusing at times.
      It would be nice to remove this hardcoded way and make use of the respective openhab instance settings or use the active system locale for all series.
      for the values it would be nice if we could make use of openhab’s .displayState as a formatter for the values that are being shown in the graphs or even support
      echarts formatter function in some way.

  • A community developed ultra low power standby wifi audio-sink, that will be ready when oh 4.0 is =)

    • maybe use a cheap esp32 wroom for instance and some dac/amp combination as a base.
    • a relay/mosfet that completely cuts power from the amp while nothing is streamed and outputted on the speaker.
    • case will be 3d printable and also community designed.
    • optional: small display that will show whatever the user wants openhab to show. wether it’s temperature, notifications… preferably a small e-ink to keep power draw low or even a small oled or lcd.
    • optional: Adressable led stripe support for notification blinking or whatever.

    examples for inspiration

  • A community developed 3d printable weather station esp32 based or similar.

    • maybe also esp32 based
    • optimized to be printable on most 3d printers
    • sensors: wind, water, lightning, temperature, humidity … to be discussed. maybe modular design.
    • option to be powerbank driven and solar rechargeable
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